Chapter 34

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Hey guys, Z here. Just as a heads up, there will be a bit graphic content, if it can be considered as that anyways. So please read at your own risk!! You probably also won't really like the things I added in as it might seem just stupid. I had writer's block for about a damn week and couldn't think of what to do.

We see down onto the ship, the Rusalka, and go below deck where we see an American man tied to a chair.

???: -grunts from being punched- Really? Is that all you fucking got, you Russian piece of shit?

??: Fuck you, American! You better talk before we start having to get out the tools!

(Y/n): Ha! You gotta be very fucking stupid to think an Agent of the Division will break that easily! I've seen worse shit than you can possibly fucking imagine! It's not my fault that you couldn't do the same for Woods or Mason, ты лысая задница со шрамами. -(Y/n) then spits a bit of blood into Kravchenko's face- I've seen people have their intestines ripped out while still alive and then being hung with them. You've got nothing.
( ты лысая задница со шрамами is Russian for You bald ass scarred shitface.)

Kravchenko: Oh, we have ways to make you talk, suka. -he turns behind him to yell at three lackeys- You three! Grab the jerry can and rags, the battery and cables, and the blades. Tell Wyvern to be ready for what she does best.

Lackeys: Yes sir.

(Y/n): Really, you're going water board, shock, and cut me? That's amateur shit.

Kravchenko: Oh, you'll see we have twists to this.

(Y/n): Блядь. ты.
(Fuck. You. in Russian)

Kravchenko then pulls out a knife. He kneels to the Agent's level before looking at the Agent in the eyes.

Kravchenko: Tell me. Which is your better eye?

(Y/n): Go ahead. See where cutting my eye out gets you, fucker. You might as well just kill me.

Kravchenko growls in anger at the Agent's persistence. He gets up and sheathes his knife back on his belt. He then kick the Agent in the side of the head which causes a small amount of blood to start coming out of the newly fresh wound and causing the Agent to be knocked unconscious. Kravchenko turns to leave the room and grabs his knife. He drives it into the wall in anger while Dragovich walks over to talk to his second-in-command.

Dragovich: Any progress?

Kravchenko: No. He's a tough bastard to crack.

Dragovich: Well, we'll have some use for him sooner or later.

Kravchenko: If you're sure...

A woman clad in Black Tusk armor approached the two Russians.

(The woman)

(The woman)

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The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now