Chapter 11

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Location: Medical Ward, Hereford Base; Time: 10:50

As we return to the story, we can see our main character is unconscious on a gurney and being rushed into surgery. Doc and Finka, with two nurses, are rushing him into the operation room with Harry, Kali, Zofia, and Valk following behind them. When Doc tells them to wait outside, Meghan is still in tears and worried to hell and back after seeing what happened to (Y/n) while Jaimini and Zofia feel horrible about this happening to their teammate. Harry has a look of both sadness and shock after seeing what had happened.

Meghan: H-H-How could this happen to him? He is too nice to deserve this of all things to occur.

Jaimini: Don't worry, Meghan. He'll pull through this, you should know that.

Meghan: I know, I-I know. I'm just worried that he might have to be discharged and I won't see him again. -Meghan starts to cry again-

Zofia looks at Kali and gives her a look of "let me handle this, I know what to say".

Kali steps away and allows Zofia to step up to Valk.

Zofia: Meghan, from what I've seen from him and how Harry was impressed, I don't think he'll be discharged. I promise if he is, we'll all help you try to find him.

Meghan: Thank you, that really helped.

At this point, Harry walked up to the three.

Harry: Well, the 5 recruits have been arrested and deported back to their countries of origin. Don't worry about (Y/n), he's a fighter, he's not going to be discharged. Anyways, let's let Doc do his job.

Five hours later...

Doc and Finka walked out of the operation room pushing (Y:n)'s gurney to a recovery room. When they get there, they lay the unconscious Division Agent onto the bed.

Harry, Kali, Zofia, and Valkyrie walked to the room and Harry allowed the three Operators to have privacy inside of the recovery room.

-with Harry, Finka, and Doc-

Harry: So, how is he?

Finka and Doc look at each other and nod.

Doc: He's not looking to good. He's in a bad coma, we don't know how long he could be in it for.

Finka: He has 4 broken ribs, his right leg is broken at the ankle, his prosthetic arm is destroyed and will need to either be repair or replaced, and his right lung was punctured by a broken rib, but we sealed it up.

Harry: Thank you two for patching him up, I'm just startled that this happened in the first place.

-with Valkyrie, Kali, and Zofia-

The three operators walked into the room. Meghan was distraught at the sight and Kali and Zofia looked on in horror at how broken the Division Agent looks. He had breathing tubes going into his nose, bandages around his chest and torso, the prosthetic right arm was taken off and can be seen sitting on the table to the left of the bed as it is completely broken, and his right leg is wrapped up in a boot.

(If you're wondering what the boot looks like, here's a photo down below)

(If you're wondering what the boot looks like, here's a photo down below)

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Harry walked into the room and informed them of his condition.

Harry: He's not looking good. He's got a broken ankle, punctured lung that's been sealed, 4 ribs are broken, and he'll need a new prosthetic or that one to be repaired.

Harry then left the three be in the room. Meghan walked up to (Y/n) and ran her hand through his hair.

Meghan: Please. Get better, I-I need you. Please.

And with that, Meghan kissed the Division Agent on the lips and put all her passion into this kiss. She blushes after doing this, but is very happy she did. She allowed Kali and Zofia to walk up to him and talk to him.

Jaimini: I'm sorry for the harsh words I said to you. I wish I had gotten a chance to say this earlier instead of it being now like this. -Kali proceeds to kiss him on the forehead and rub his head- Get better, we need you around. Meghan needs you now more than ever.

Zofia then started her turn to speak to him.

Zofia: Hey (Y/n), I'm sorry for being a total bitch. I realized that my first impression was wrong and that you didn't mean any harm. I'm sorry. -Zofia kisses (Y/n) on the cheek-

They all proceeds to walk out. Meghan looked back and her heart shuck one last time at the sight. She needed him now more than ever.

Little did they notice, (Y/n) proceeds to smile and he moved a little.

A/n note: Well, I'm sorry about the huge wait on this chapter. I fell behind in school and had two projects. Luckily, I managed to get this shorter chapter out. Anyway, I know it's a bit sad, but I had to think of something. Anyway, I'll see you guys next time. - Z

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now