Chapter 22

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Last time on the Agent of Rainbow...

Weaver: Got it, One malt whiskey and one vodka spritzer cocktail with raspberries comin' right up!

It's at that moment that the six operators walk in the door.

-with the operators-

The two Jeeps have been following the black car for a bit and finally the car stopped. The two Jeeps park a bit away from from the car and watch the two individuals go into the bar.

Ash: Well, let's go.

Hibana, Ash, Kali, Aruni, Frost, and Mira all got out of the Jeeps and went into the bar.

As the six Operators entered the Weaver's bar, they spotted the Agent sitting with his sister (which they don't know is his sister currently) sitting at the bar with their drinks and chatting. The six of them then quietly made their way over to a table and all sat down at it. They soon saw the bartender make his way over to them.

Weaver: -pulls out his notepad and a pencil- What can I get you ladies tonight?

Ash: I'll take a Mai Tai cocktail.

Hibana: One Cosmopolitan for me please

Kali: One Bloody Mary.

Mira: One Greyhound cocktail for me.

Aruni: I'll have a Bronx Cocktail.

Frost: And a Brandy Alexander for me please.

(These are actual alcohol drinks that I found from a website for making different drinks.)

Weaver proceeded to write down the six drinks.

Weaver: Alright, so you ladies wanted a Greyhound, a Cosmopolitan, a Bloody Mary, a Bronx Cocktail, and a Brandy Alexander, and a Mai Tai, correct?

All the operators nodded their heads.

Weaver: Got it. Your drinks will be ready in 7-10 minutes.

Weaver then walked away to attend to more customers.

A few minutes later their drinks arrive, and they start drinking while they talk and keep an eye on our main character. It was at that moment they saw the Agent and the woman get up, hug the Agent, and the woman paid for the two's drinks. They then overheard her bid farewell to (Y/n) before she proceeded to walk out of the bar. Ash and Kali proceed to get up and start to walk over to the bar before they notice (Y/n) to get up before walking over to three drunk assholes harassing a guy that looks like he's about 26. (Y/n) taps one of the three drunks on the shoulder and the drunk turns around just to be on the receiving end of a punch straight to the jaw instantly knocking him out.

(Y/n): Now if you three would do me a favor and stop harassing my friend here, I don't have to end it with you two ending up like your friend on the ground there. So do yourselves a fucking favor and get lost before I have to.

The other two drinks got the message and grabbed their KO'ed friend and walk out of the bar.

Weaver then comes over.

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now