Chapter 4

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Sorry for the fucking wait for the newest chapter on this. Shit around my area has been insane and I've fallen behind on everything right now. So without further ado, Here. We. Go.

Location: Hereford Base, England; Time: 18:45.

The Chinook can be seen landing on one of the five helipads at Hereford Base. All of the passengers are ready to get out after being stuck for 6-7 hours, except for (Y/N) as he was too busy thinking about what will happen and what will be in store for him.

As we go see the inside of the Chinook, Valkyrie has fallen asleep and sprawled out on (Y/N), effectively pinning him underneath her. (Y/N) didn't want to be rude and wake her so he just rolled with it. (Y/N) shook Meghan's shoulder lightly to wake her up. Meghan starts to wake up and starts blinking to clear her eye, but when she sees what she's doing to him, she blushes a deep shade of red. (Y/N) saw this and put his hand on her head and Meghan blushes even more.

Meghan: (Y/N), what are you doing?

(Y/N): Your face is red, I'm making sure you are sick with a cold.

Meghan: -shakes her head, and mumbles under her breath-: You're so oblivious to how to I feel.

A/N note: Yeah, it going to be where (Y/N) is going to be completely oblivious to most of the girls' feelings to him, but he will accept the feelings. Just when they get these feelings for him, eh, I'll cross bridge when I come to it.

(Y/n): Did you say something? Or was that just me?

Meghan: -sighs heavily- No, just you...

Harry/Craig: Well, let's get moving to introducing you to the Operators./Enough of that, you lovebirds.

(Y/n): I'm confused. What about lovebirds?

Meghan and Craig: -mentally facepalm-

Harry: (Y/n), if you'll follow me, I'll lead you to my Office. I'll have the techs move your gear into your dorm.

A/n note: He's either going to have his own huge-ass dorm with a workbench for modifying his Division tech and weapons, and a personal armory space for his gear and weapons or be with the females in the female dorms. You guys decide.

-at Harry's Office-

We now see Harry and (Y/n) entering Harry's office.

Harry: Okay (Y/n), I'm going to need you to sign some papers.

(Y/n): Okay, what are they about?

Harry: Well, one is to confirm that you agree to be working for Rainbow, the next one is for the President to confirm you joined us, and the last one is for your Operator codename, which if I remembered correctly, you said to Jäger it is Ghost?

(Y/n): Yeah, that's right. I was given the nickname from when I was rescued by the Ghost Recon team, Team Kingslayer consisting of Anthony "Nomad" Perryman, Coray "Weaver" Ward, Rubio "Midas" Delgado, and Dominic "Holt" Moretta due to how they said I was like a "Ghost", just like them so it just sorta stuck around as a nickname they called me before they were sent to Bolivia so I chose it as a codename. I just hope that the Team is doing good... (reference to Op. Kingslayer in Wildlands. I know they don't exactly have a name like that so I got creative and we all know what happens to the squad in Breakpoint if you guys have played it...)

Harry: So the rumors about the Ghosts being involved in your rescue ARE true. That's good to hear, I might check in with Griffin (Scott Mitchell A.K.A. Leader of the Ghosts) to maybe recruit one of the Ghosts to Rainbow. (that's an idea towards another story I might make after finishing this one...). Anyways (Y/n), sign the papers and we'll be good to go.

(Y/n) signs the papers and writes down his codename as Ghost.

Harry: Well (Y/n), welcome to Team Rainbow. -puts his hand out-

(Y/n): I won't let you down, Harry. -shakes Harry's hand and then salutes him-

Harry: Good to hear, let's get you introduced to the other Operators.
Harry on Intercom: All Operators, please report to the canteen. Again, all Operators please report to the canteen.

Harry: Follow me.

Sorry about the short chapter guys. Like I said previously, stuff has been hectic for me and so I'm feeling pretty shitty. Anyway, next chapter will be about (Y/n) getting introduced as the new operator to all the other operators. So let me know what you guys think and make a choice about the dorm you want. I'll see you guys next time. - Z

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now