Chapter 5

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Previously on The Agent of Rainbow:

Harry: Follow me.

-timeskip of 15 minutes brought to you by the video below which I have no words for-

Location: Hereford Base, England; Time: 19:00

(Y/n) proceeds to follow Harry to the canteen where he can see all of the other Operators sitting as various tables through the window that's at the door.

Saif (Oryx): Anybody know why all of us were told to come down here?

Eliza (Ash): Saif, think I know what it's about.

Ela: What's this all about Eliza?

Eliza: I think we might be getting a new Operator from the States. I heard it from Meghan.

Rest of the FBI SWAT: Yeah, same here except we heard from Craig.

Collinn (Warden) to himself: I think I might know who it is if it's who I'm thinking of...

Nienke (Iana) : Well, let's sit down and see what Harry wants.

Harry then walks out onto the stage.

Harry: Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I know that it's late for this sort of introduction, but we recently have a new Operator joining us. He's from a heavily classified unit that not many know about from the US. I do believe, however, that most of our US Operators have heard of this supposedly fabled organization before.

All US Operators: Yes, we have heard of it.

Harry: I would like to introduce our newest member, (Y/n) (L/n) from SHD or the Strategic Homeland Division. (Y/n), if you would come out please.

(Y/n) then walks out onto the stage from the side. Many of the Operators are stunned by how hi-tech his gear looks, except for Thatcher who as always, believes hi-tech gear is too heavily relied on. (In this, all Division Tech is going to be immune from the effects of EMPs, Jammers, and any disruptions unlike in the games. I know, go ahead and hate me for this.) The girls all had blushes on their faces except for Kali, Clash, and Gridlock, as they were remaining professional but still thought he was cute.

(Y/n): Hello, as told before, I'm an Agent for the Division as it's more commonly known by us Agents instead of the full name. My gadget will be showcased soon. I look forward to being your guys' teammate and working with you. -smiles genuinely-

All of the operators were surprised with how nice the new recruit, even Lion was surprised by this, as most of the recruits are perverts or jackasses to the Operators. For once, Lion decided to keep his mouth shut and give (Y/n) a chance.

Harry: Well, now with that out of the way, I want everyone to get a good night sleep for tomorrow morning as (Y/n) will be having his tests done and his simulation will determine if he capable for this. Dismissed.

And with that, all of the operators left the canteen while chatting about their newest teammate. Some were happy he was chill and friendly, some were shocked at what his gear was, and some were gossiping about him and I think we know who these are.... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

-with (Y/n) and Harry-

Harry can be seen explaining some things to our main character.

Harry: Okay, (Y/n), for now until we can get your dorm fitted with the right features like having your tech workbench + modifications station, armory, recalibration station, Specializations repair bench, and weapon stations set up you'll be staying in the female dorms as the males don't have much room in there. Until we can get the workbenches up and running, you'll need to see our head of R&D, Elena "Mira" Álvarez, as she can provide access to a makeshift workstation for your stuff. Are you okay with these arrangements for the next 2-3 months as I know it might get awkward if you weren't told ahead of time.

(Y/n): Yeah, it's totally fine. I won't try anything against any of the women as I don't see why people would do shit like that to anyone. Sorry about my language, Sir.

Harry: It's fine, we all do it every now and then. Anyway, the simulation that I talking about earlier is to show what you can do against our own top tier operators, to show how fast you are, and how you handle a weapon, not only that but to also show your gadget and equipment to everyone.

(Y/n); Okay. I can do that, Sir.

Harry: Good to hear. I most likely have kept you for long enough as it is. You should head to the dorms and get some shut eye for tomorrow as it's going to be a big day.

(Y/n): Okay, thank you for the opportunity, Harry. I look forward to helping in anyway I can, goodnight Sir.

Harry: Glad to have ya on board for this, good night.

And with that, (Y/n) left to find one of the female operators to lead him to female dorms.

-with Valkyrie-

Valk can be seen sitting in the common room talking with her friends: Tina "Frost" Lin Tsang, and Yumiko "Hibana" Imagawa.

Yumi (Hibana): So Meghan, you served with the new recruit before this?

Meghan: Yeah, I did. We served in the Navy SEALs when I was 28. He actually saved my life along with Craig after he stayed to cover us as we escaped in the humvees. I never got a chance to thank him for it as he ended up being taken hostage from AQ terrorists and he wasn't heard from until we heard that he was honorably discharged.

Tina (Frost): Holy shit! He's so young, but already is able to handle himself in a fight.

Meghan: I haven't even told you the best thing I've heard him do. When he was riding in a convoy, the lead vehicles hit 2 IEDs and they were stranded. He had just a Desert Eagle with no rounds as his mag fell out earlier and was destroyed in the IED explosion and also had a combat knife. He managed to fend of and kill 20 Taliban insurgents alone and drive off the rest from the wounded by pretending to be a larger force than he really was.

As they were talking, Valkyrie noticed (Y/n) looking around like a lost puppy which she thought was adorable. The other two saw Meghan looking at something and looked in that direction and was met with what Meg saw. They too were smitten by how cute (Y/n) was being without him even knowing.   

(Y/n) noticed Meghan sitting with her friends and walked over.

(Y/n): Hey, Meghan, who are your friends?

Meg: Oh, -points to Hibana- This is Yumi, codrname Hibana. -points to Frost- And this is Tina, codename Frost.

Yumi, and Tina: Hello/Hi.

(Y/n): Nice to meet you two. As stated before, I'm (Y/n), codename is Ghost. As I'm new here, could you guys show me to where the female dorms are loca-

All three girls: Wait, WHAT?!?

(Y/n): Woah there, reason why is because Harry has a special dorm being made for me that won't be ready for a few months so he told me to stay in with the females as the male dorms are full.

Girls: Oh, that's okay. We're sorry for cutting you off before you could finish. Yeah, just follow us.

(Y/n): Thank you guys, I really appreciate the help.

To be continued...

A/n note: Well, that's Chapter 5 of The Agent of Rainbow. I hope you guys enjoyed the newest chapter. Let me know what you guys think and I'll se you guys next time - Z

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now