Chapter 8

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Previously on The Agent of Rainbow...

Harry: Next up: Attackers vs. Defenders simulation. I would like for Tachanka, Smoke, Mute, Castle, Pulse, Ela, Valkyrie, Bandit, and Jäger to report to inside as Defenders as (Y/n) will be on the Attackers going solo. After that, I would like for Montagne, Twitch, Ash, Thermite, IQ, Iana, Sledge, and Thatcher to report at Attackers as (Y/n) will then be on the Defenders going solo.

Location: House Simulation Room; Time: 0945

The teams were ready for when Harry wanted them to go up against (Y/n). First, it was the Defenders against the lone Agent.

Harry: (Y/n), if you follow me, I'll show you where you can get a drone and phone for the prep phase and wait for the prep phase to end as Attackers first wait until the 1 minute prep phase is done.

(Y/n): Ok, but I don't need a drone. I got it covered with something special made.

Harry: Okay, then just head to the waiting area.

(Y/n): Yes sir.

And with that, he left.

-Defenders inside House-

Smoke can be seen chatting with chatting with Pulse, Mute, and Castle.

Smoke: Well, I got to say the guy has skills with shooting, but we are going to destroy him.

Castle: I wouldn't be so sure about it.

Pulse: Yeah, I'm with Miles on this one.


Smoke: Anyways, Harry wants us to get started.

-with (Y/n)-

(Y/n) can be seen with a UMP-45 on the chair next to him and the Super 90 on his bag sitting in the Attackers waiting room fiddling with his Tactician Drone. His Tactician Drone skill has been modified that it's linked up to his Contact Lens so he can see out of the camera he modded it with, not only that, it can also be set for scout mode where it scans each room/ floor of a complex for enemies and marks it on (Y/n)'s HUD. He heard on the intercoms for the drones to be deployed and sent his drone out.

(Y/n): Alright, let's see what I'm going up against...

(Y/n) saw that the hostage, which was a recruit, was on the second floor of the house. Tachanka was roaming with his heavy gun in his hands. Smoke, Mute, Castle, and Pulse were in the next room connected to the hostage room reinforcing the walls. Valk was setting up her cams while Ela places her mines and then both of them checked for drones. Bandit and Jäger were looking out the windows after they had their gadgets setup, just waiting to spawn peek. That is when ISAC alerted him to something.

ISAC: Hostile Radio intercepted.

Ela: I just saw a weird looking drone, can anyone confirm what I saw?

Valk: Same here, gimme a minute, El.

Valk looked down the hall and saw the tactician drone going around the corner towards Tachanka.

Valk: Tachanka, you have a weird drone heading your way. Keep your eyes open.

Tachanka: Rog'.

Bandit: Man, I can't wait to beat the new guy already. I have a bet with Monica of 30 Euros that we'll win.

Jäger: Same here with me and Elias (Blitz).

Harry on intercom: Prep phase done. Attackers, weapons free!

(Y/n) looked up and saw Jäger looking through one of the front windows. He shot him with the UMP-45 and domed him.

Harry: 1 v 8.

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now