Chapter 31

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A/n note: Covid is a fucking pain... I lost track of how long my head has been hurting for and I've lost track of how long I've been awake for (I think maybe 34 hours now). Anyways, enough of my complaining and let's get onto what you all came here to see.

-2 weeks later-

We can see the Division Agent sleeping in an unknown bed before his watch that's sitting on the dresser to his left goes off with an alarm for 9:30 in the morning. He groggily gets up with a pounding headache from the night before due to getting completely black out drunk the night prior after having a drinking contest with Tachanka which he surprisingly won. He can't remember anything from the night before apart from the fact that his new friends and fellow teammates from Team Rainbow, Anja "Osa" Janković and Brianna  "Thorn" Skehan were there watching him and he was hanging out with the Russians and Germans. He looks around the room before getting up and walking into the bathroom to take a shower.

-10 minutes later-

After (Y/n) got out of the shower all dressed for the day, he walked out of the bedroom into a Spanish designed living room. He noticed on one of the walls that there was a picture of a man that he recognized as of his friend Dani Rojas that had recently moved to the area after leaving Yara. He smiled at the picture of his friend before grabbing a piece of paper and writing a small thank you letter to his friend for watching out for him. (Y/n) then walked out of the house and flagged down a cab to take him back to base.

-20 minutes later-

As (Y/n) pays the cab driver for the fare, he turned to see the base of operations look like nobody was there. He started walking up to the base, he could hear some music being played from somewhere in the building, but couldn't see anything through the windows on the exterior of the building. He pushed open the doors and the lights were turned off with one exception of the cafeteria lights being on, but they were appearing to be different colors. He started to hear the music come from the cafeteria too so he started made his way over there, except that was before he was pulled from behind and had a hand pulled over his mouth. He was pulled into a random room that he recognized as the firing range. As the person let him go, he turned around to see it was Thorn.

Thorn: There ya are, mate! We've been looking for ya.

(Y/n): Nice to see you as well, Brianna. And what do you mean we?

Thorn: Just follow me, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

The two walked into the cafeteria to see that a party was going on to celebrate the takedown of the White Mask terrorist leaders.

Tachanka: Ah! The man of the hour! He's returned!

To be continued...

A/n note: I would make this chapter be longer, but like I said, I tested positive for Covid and I feel like shit. So I'm going to go sleep. Later guys. I'll see you guys next time. -Z.

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now