TMI of my day

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Today was half shitty half amazing day. So since the morning one of my friends weren't talking to me at all. Like out of the blue, I was so pissed that she was acting literally like a child. I talked about that with my other friend and she told that was the main reason why both of them stopped to hang out. So since then I had great time with my that other friend. We laughed a lot and later I had PE class. I was like hell no, I'm not doing it because of that first bitch, but then I decided- fuck it I'm gonna do it for myself. We played volleyball and I needed to throw a ball, not bragging but I did really good and all class was like "LET VANESSA THROW THE BALL ONE MORE TIME!" We all laughed and I was so happy. I saw that she was unhappy with my luck but I decided just to ignore it. After school while walking home I was so happy that the day is over and I will get to watch Seventeen! So I did like I wanted! And even lifted my ass up to workout. So guys, whenever you get into situation like mine, always in your mind try to think that after all of this you will get in your safe place- home and could do whatever you like- sleep, watch a movie or just like me watch your fav group videos

 So guys, whenever you get into situation like mine, always in your mind try to think that after all of this you will get in your safe place- home and could do whatever you like- sleep, watch a movie or just like me watch your fav group videos

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