I'm back!😝

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Hey everyone, it's been a long time since I posted anything in here and I'm back! These past 3 months were a mess! I had a lot great but at the same time and sad moments. So let's start from the past month. In past month I lost my really close person, my grandma. She practically raised me and I will always be thankful for her. Next thing that happened to me was a little better. All 11th graders from my school including me had to make "100 days till graduation" party for 12th graders. I was responsible for dance performances. Everything started amazing! We learned 4 dances: 1 girls dance, 1 boys dance, 1 couples dance and 1 all 11th graders dance. It was fun to be with a lot people, teach them and learn myself. When it came to couples dance....ohh God! So I was paired with guy named Lucas. He was nice and chill guy. I helped him with steps and both of us helped each other. Time went by and I started to have little feelings for him. A lot of my friends said that everything is going to be fine and we look cute together. I was so so happy! Every time I went home, I sang and had brightest smile on my face waiting to see him next practice day. But few weeks before the big event, we started to grew apart. We didn't hug while saying hi or bye anymore, he didn't text me anymore, we didn't even talk like we used to. My heart slowly started to break but I acted like everything is fine and I don't really care. I started to hate whenever my friends asked me about him or teased that we should date, because I knew that it will never happen. I was happy again when we danced perfectly on that event and hugged each other feeling happy that our hard work payed off. That night all 11th graders went in club and I got to dance with him and even his handsome friend too😏😂it was super fun. Actually thinking now, I wish him all the best because he's super nice guy. Now all 11th graders are super close which is cool and we all meet and say hi to each other. Even though my heart was broken a bit, I still had fun!

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