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Third person.

"Caffè Mocha, order for Haerin-ssi is now ready!" The cashier shouted, getting all the customer's attention for a minute before they turn their head back to what they were doing. Except for Haerin, who quickly stood up to get her usual coffee.

As Haerin successfully got her coffee, she went back to her seat and closed her laptop. She put her things back in her bag but left her book out so she could just hold it.

Though it was a bad idea.

Haerin struggled to hold everything, causing her to groan in annoyance. She stopped for a minute to try squeezing her book into her bag, and it worked. She inhaled in relief and was about to continue walking towards the exit, but one step forward and Haerin accidentally bumped into a guy and spilled her Caffè Mocha on his jacket.

"Ah! What the hell?!"


With a lot of things running through Sunghoon's mind, he continued to glide on the ice rink for the past forty minutes, hoping it would at least distract him from his thoughts.

Sunghoon sighed, remembering how he stormed his way out of his house after his parents told him he'll be transferring to another school for the fourth time this year. Why? He failed his grades. And again, they were back to pressuring him as if they know everything about the world.

He was frustrated with his parents and disappointed in himself.

Deciding he's done ice skating for today, Sunghoon got off the ice rink and put away his skates, wearing his normal shoes back. He went outside, looking for the nearest coffee shop to chill.

The weather seems nice and people strolling around are looking happy. Oh, how Sunghoon wished he feels the same.

Sunghoon can already smell coffee as he pushed the door of the coffee shop and went inside. But he didn't notice a girl on his way until it happened.

The next thing he knew was that he had coffee all over his jacket. Sunghoon gasped and cursed, looking at the girl who now has her eyes widened, her left hand gripping her half-spilled coffee.

"Oh shit-"


𝗧𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗦𝗙𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗘﹕sunghoonWhere stories live. Discover now