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Third person.

The remaining class hours went okay, at least for Sunghoon. His friends know about his crush, so he's more than relieved. That way he could just come to one of them (to Heeseung, to be exact) and ask for some 'advice'. But they know too well that Sunghoon gets too whiny and sometimes out of his mind when he opens up. They know, that the boy could randomly appear on their doorstep and bother them about how he may be falling deeper for Haerin.

The mentioned girl, on the other hand, has been completely the opposite. She swears she was entirely fine this morning. But she overheard a sudden thing that she's sure she wasn't meant to hear. It was unexpected that her notebook nearly slipped out of her hand and her breath hitched as she heard them.

Even Soojin became more concerned when she didn't fail to see her coming in with a reddish face as if she ran a whole mile to get there. And she also didn't fail to notice how Haerin keeps glimpsing everywhere as if looking for someone.

"Why is your face so red?" Soojin asked, letting out her curiosity.

"Hot. It's hot." Haerin replied almost monotonously.

"It's... winter?" Soojin said slowly, becoming more confused.

"I meant cold! Silly me." Haerin giggled. She might have sounded quirky and instantly grew more embarrassed by it.

Soojin didn't say anything else after that, noting to herself that Haerin can be sometimes stupid after all.

Haerin looked anywhere but him when he got to class a few minutes later. Let it be the wall, the board, but assumed hiding her face in a book would be better. She peeked through her book, and there she caught Sunghoon staring at her. She hid her face again to relax her heart, thumping rapidly.

Just like Sunoo's first impression of them together: two shy high schoolers in love.


No matter how many times Haerin convinces herself that both of them are just too occupied with some things that are way more important than ridiculous feelings, she can't help but feel like they are avoiding each other. They smile, but those were not the kinds of wide grins they would give each other before. They haven't talked because every time they're close to each other, one would leave, leaving the other to sigh frustratingly at how they are acting.

Things have been going off between them lately and they knew they need a chat to clear things. But the heart problems they get every time they see each other made it worse for them to casually say "Hi, let's talk," in a way that sounds normal.

It was pathetic how they were starting to miss each other. Yeah, it's been 3 and a half days.

Neither of them would do the first move, so with Haerin getting tired of what was going on and having been wanting to talk to Sunghoon already, decided to look for the boy after school. She wasn't feeling the same way she did during the time she asked Sunghoon to the dance night.

When the bell rang, she tried to catch up to Sunghoon before he could leave the room but as she finished packing up, he was already out.

"God, why does he always walk so fast without even trying?" Haerin scowled.

"Who?" Oh, she forgot Soojin was still behind her.

"Nothing. I have to go Soojin, see you tomorrow!" Haerin hurried out and looked around, eager to find him.

It wasn't so easy to find him. Everyone was making their way out of the gate and Haerin went to think Sunghoon was already gone by now.

But Haerin did see him at last, halfway through the gate. Without hesitation, she ran up behind him and tapped his shoulder aggressively to get his attention. And before Sunghoon could even see who it was, his backpack was being yanked away hauling him backward.

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