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Third person.

The first day of the school festival was happening today. Huge banners and posters covered the school to welcome everyone. The students and the teachers were loving it as they explore every booth and food stalls they could find.

Haerin just arrived. It was one in the afternoon but the event started two hours ago. She knew she missed some fun, but she's sure it was fine. She has been wanting to go inside the booths as well, especially the photo booth. She looked around for Soojin so she could have someone to be with.

"Soojin!" Haerin called when she found her.

"You're here, finally. I almost thought you wouldn't come." Soojin chuckled while walking toward her.

"Sorry I arrived late, I got lazy to get ready." Haerin admitted, laughing.

"It's fine. Now come on, let's go to the fortune teller booth I've been dying to go to!" Soojin exclaimed, dragging her to the booth.

Before they could go inside, the purple-colored curtains opened, revealing Jake and Jungwon coming out of the booth.

"Oh, you startled me!" Jake exclaimed with his hand on his chest. Jungwon laughed at him.

"Ah, we're sorry." Haerin sheepishly smiled.

"Are you two done? Oh, hello." Jay appeared behind the two girls.

"Hello." Haerin greeted.

"We'll get going. Have fun!" Jungwon bid goodbye before they left.

"Let's go?" Haerin asked and went inside with Soojin.


Haerin sat down on something she could sit on. They tried most of the booths, and the last one was the photo booth. She was holding cotton candy in her hand and ate it quickly. Soojin was standing beside her, much more focused on her phone than the same cotton candy in her hand.

"You're gonna watch the game later, right?" Soojin asked.

"Of course, I will. I don't have much of a choice, do I?" Haerin slowly and dramatically turned her head to her who chuckled.

"You must come with me! Who am I gonna talk to during the game when it gets boring?" Soojin responded.

"Well, there's nothing else to than to watch later anyways." Haerin muttered and maliciously took a bite of her cotton candy.

Once they finished eating, they threw the sticks into the bin and stood up, heading to the gym as the basketball game will start in about 30 minutes.

She caught a glance of Jay and Sunghoon directing to the gym as well, wearing the school's basketball jersey. She had no idea they were two of the players and on the same team. The guys saw her and Soojin. Jay nodded at them as a little gesture of greeting while Sunghoon didn't smile nor wave at her but locked their eyes together when they met. It eventually stopped when he and Jay walked past them.

After Sunghoon had rejected her for the dance days ago, he couldn't say anything further as the teacher caught them outside and shouted their name to go back. Haerin quickly ran back to their class before Sunghoon and left him dumbfounded. Haerin never said anything after then, but the way her heart sank and the instant regret gushing onto her skin was something she hasn't forgotten yet.

"I saw that you know. You and Sunghoon stared at each other for more than a minute." Soojin whispered teasingly.

"No, we didn't." Haerin scoffed.

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