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Third person.

Tiptoeing to the kitchen, Haerin peeked her head out from the door to see if Yejin's inside. Fortunately, she is, reading a book for her test tomorrow while munching on her home-baked cookies. Haerin sat down next to the older.

"Want some? I made it." Yejin offered her the food she baked in the morning. Haerin took one and as always, it tastes great. As she swallowed, Haerin tapped the older girl's shoulder, getting back the attention. Yejin shifted her gaze to her, raising her brow as Haerin was looking at her as if she wanted to say something.

"Go on, tell me." Yejin prompted.

"How would you know if you like someone?" Haerin let out the question that has been stuck in her throat since the other day.

"What's the question for?" Yejin asked back and made a face.

"I just wanna know. You had exes before so you probably know it already." Haerin answered.

"First of all, most were just flings. And, I'm no love expert, you know." Yejin asserted, closing her book.

"Come on Yejin-ah, I am in need of help." Haerin slightly whined, earning a long sigh from Yejin.

"I don't know um- well, I guess it starts with the butterflies in the stomach and being excited around them. You blush more often and get flustered when they talk to you. Like, you feel safe and comfortable with them. And there's no day that you don't have them in mind." Yejin explained with hand gestures, having Haerin listen to her attentively.

"That's still confusing. How can I be sure of my feelings?" Haerin groaned.

"Give it some time to figure it out, and get to know that person more along the way too. Love sure can be confusing and complicated, but as long as you're happy, what could go wrong?" Yejin responded with a little shrug. Haerin calmed after hearing that.

"But don't waste too much time, you might just end up getting hurt." She warned, getting a quick nod from Haerin.

"Damn, I thought you're no love expert? Thank you, though." Haerin snorted.

"I am not! But hey, YOU are in love? Who-"

"Hold up." Haerin cut her off, taking a look at her phone after receiving a message.

Haerin's face lit up, her lips curving upwards as her eyes read the text from someone.

"What is it about?" Yejin asked.

"Uh, a friend wants to hang out." Haerin started, pressing her lips in a thin line as she slowly stood up, walking sideways until she left the room.

"Ooh, she's in love. Wonder who?" Yejin chuckled to herself, bringing herself back to studying.


"Why are we here?" Haerin asked the boy beside her, looking at the place they're in just now.

"Cause I found out there's a shop that sells perfumes." Sunghoon replied. Haerin snickered on his response, not quite expecting that.

"Sweet, cool, okay." Haerin replied unenthusiastically.

Haerin gazed around the small place Sunghoon brought her to, taking a glance at the shops and restaurants that are side by side. It was nice yet loud. Aside from the perfume shop that Sunghoon wants to go to, she wasn't looking forward to entering any more shops... that's what she thought.

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