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Third person.

It was a nice Wednesday morning and the Park family was eating breakfast. There was no talking and only the utensils were making most of the noise. Sunghoon munched on his food quickly as he wanted to leave early for school. His mother glanced at him and stopped eating as she cleared her throat, interrupting their peaceful meal for a moment.

"So I've thought of something that we could all do someday. Why don't we have a family hangout soon?" Mrs. Park announced looking at the two males. Sunghoon looked up in confusion, eyes darting to his father who only lifted his shoulders.

"All of a sudden? Why?" Sunghoon asked.

"Why not? It's been ages since we've gone out and had some time together ever since you entered high school. It'll be fun, wouldn't it? We can go to your favorite places!" His mom beamed excitedly.

"I thought you guys are always busy?" Sunghoon asked again, raising his eyebrow at his father.

"I guess a day off wouldn't hurt." His dad stated.

"We'll just tell you when, sounds good?" His mom asked him, her smile not leaving her face.

"Yeah. Thanks, mom and dad." Sunghoon replied while continuing to munch on his food. His face was steady, but he was happy about it that his heart was jumping in joy.


"Attention, everyone!" Mrs. Hwang shouted, snapping her fingers to get all her students' attention.

Everyone stopped talking and faced the teacher, who had a calm face on. Haerin leaned her back on her chair and crossed her arms, waiting for Mrs. Hwang to speak.

"Some of you guys may already know that there will be a 'School Festival' coming up. It will be held on the last week of this month." Mrs. Hwang said, earning loud cheers from everyone. She sighed and discreetly rolled her eyes before silencing them again.

"So as usual, students who want to participate in preparing the school festival will also plan the events on the first day. And of course, the dance night will be on the second day. So make sure to get your partners already to make it memorable." She said, winking at her last statement.

"Please go near the teachers' office to register your name if you would like to be one of the helpers. That's all, thank you." Mrs. Hwang smiled before leaving the class.

As she closes the door, all of them started cheering again. Everyone practically knew already from the rumors, however, now it is confirmed. School festivals are always awaited by many. There are always a lot of exciting things that happen, and usually, they get a week of no school, which makes it even better.

Haerin laughed at her classmates going crazy. It was sad that her seatmate was out and she has nobody to talk to. She sneakily took her phone out of her bag, knowing the next teacher is going to be late.

"Hi!" Sunghoon appeared and sat on the empty seat beside her.

"Hello!" Haerin replied with the same enthusiasm.

"Do you need anything?" She asked but Sunghoon shook his head.

"I need someone to talk to. Jake's currently sleeping and now, I'm bored." He said while pointing to his best friend who had his face on the desk. He looked at Haerin as they both chuckled.

"Are you excited about the school festival?" He asked her.

"Of course! I love school festivals, especially the first day. Though I usually don't attend the dance night. You'll love it too." She answered and gave a thumbs up.

Haerin went back on her phone, not aware of Sunghoon staring at her.

"How brave of you to bring your phone inside this class." Sunghoon snickered. Haerin looked at him and smirked.

"Nah, it's not a big deal for them anymore. You should try it." Haerin said, wiggling her eyebrows.

Suddenly, she handed her cellphone to Sunghoon, who just stared at it confusingly.

"Mind exchanging numbers?" Haerin asked, pressing her lips thinly.

"My phone's in my locker." Sunghoon said.

"Oh. Never mind then." Haerin laughed it off, puckering her lips due to her embarrassment by the unexpected action.

"Why though?" Sunghoon teasingly asked.

"I just thought of it." She shrugged and faced in front trying to be calm like nothing just happened.

"I could give my phone number to you later." Sunghoon suggested. Haerin hummed and didn't reply anything else.

"You could've just chatted me on Insta-"



Haerin walked at a fast pace towards her locker as she untied her hair, letting it flow down. The last class was dismissed and Haerin was just about to get her things and go home.

She spotted Sunghoon leaning against her locker on his phone. When Sunghoon saw her, he waved and called her name.

"Haerin!" He grinned at her. Haerin walked towards him.

"I thought you already went home? What brings you here in my locker?" Haerin asked.

"I'm still waiting for the boys." Sunghoon answered, putting one of his hands inside his pocket and while his other hand to Haerin.

"Your phone." Sunghoon said.


"You said you wanted my phone number, right?" Sunghoon tilted his head as he asked, leaning closer.

"Oh, right." Haerin unlocked her phone ans gave it to him, letting the young male go on her phone.

Haerin tried to look at what he was doing, but since Sunghoon was taller, he raised his arms higher making Haerin sigh. She surely hopes he's only putting his number and nothing else.

"There you go." Sunghoon handed back Haerin's phone with a satisfied smile. Haerin glanced at him weirdly before looking at her phone.

"I already wrote my name there so you won't be confused." He added.

"Okay, thanks." Haerin said grabbing stuff from her locker.

"Are you going now?" Sunghoon asked.

"Uh, yeah. See you tomorrow, Sunghoon." Haerin waved and walked past him.

Sunghoon looked at his phone and smiled at her phone number.

"Ooh, you guys exchanged numbers I see." Someone whistled from behind. Sunghoon turned around to see his friends.

"Aw, that's so cute!" Sunoo exclaimed.

"Whatever, let's go." Sunghoon said as he left them to go ahead outside, getting away from his friends teasing him.


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