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Third person.

Haerin got nothing to do on a Friday afternoon. Her tests results came out very well, more than she expected actually. And since Christmas break is almost in a week, the teachers were generous enough to not give the students any more tasks (aside from the ones they haven't passed yet). She too still has two or three more homework that she promises to give out next week. Peeping outside her window to see the snow slowly falling, she suddenly had the idea to go out to a new café.

"Where are you going?" Yejin interrupted her behind when she saw the girl wearing her coat.

"It's snowing outside so might as well enjoy it inside a café." Haerin grinned and winked.

"Want to come?" She asked but the older girl refused.

"No, thank you." Yejin responded once turning away. Haerin snickered and walked out. Shuddering by the sudden cold touching her legs, she continued to step heavily in the snow while watching them fall.

There was a newly opened café she wanted to try. Arriving at the place, Haerin was greeted by the cool atmosphere. Only a few people are here, she guessed that most people must be staying in their home getting cozy up right now.

"Still prefer the coffee shop." She unreasonably compared as she walks to the counter. She didn't wanna drink coffee, so she chose hot chocolate instead, topping with marshmallows, of course.

"Your hot chocolate will be ready for a few minutes. In the meantime, please take a seat." The worker informed her after Haerin's done paying.

"Thanks." Haerin nodded and went to find an available table.

Unfortunately, all the tables next to the window were taken. She settled on the available seat in the middle that's supposedly for two persons. Occupying one of the seats, she took out her phone as she waits to have her hot chocolate.

The door opened and comes in a new customer, though Haerin seems to be too involved in the game on her phone. However, the customer did see her, and surprisingly that person knows her. Haerin was seated in the middle, so if you look around, you could see her in an instant.

Sounds of footsteps came near Haerin and she guessed it must be her drink. But as she diverted her eyes from her phone, she jolted by surprise when she saw Sunghoon's mother. With a gentle smile on her face, she looks different from how Haerin first met her at their house.

"Mind if I sit with you?" Mrs. Park asked.

"I- I wouldn't mind." Haerin replied as politely as possible. Mrs. Park took the seat facing the girl as Haerin quickly put her bag away from the table.

It was too awkward, just like how she felt at the time when she and Sunghoon were at the coffee shop. This one was... quite more intimidating because currently, she is with his mother.

"Lim Haerin?" Mrs. Park said her name to break her ice.

"Yes? Mrs. Park?" Haerin responded, disliking how she almost broke into a whisper.

"You don't have to be nervous around me. I'm not gonna tell you to stay away from Sunghoon." Mrs. Park chuckled as she could see the feared look displayed on the young girl's face. Haerin broke into a sheepish smile and nodded.

"I'm sorry. But um, is there anything you need from me, Mrs. Park?" Haerin asked but the mother shook her head.

Mrs. Park halted her answer when both of their orders have come to them at the same time, muttering a small "thank you" to the server before they left. Haerin took her hot chocolate to take a sip as well as Mrs. Park

"No, no actually. I just decided to take a look in this new café, not expecting to see you here. I figured maybe to have a nice talk with you since our first meeting was not good. I apologize for that by the way." She answered with an apology to which Haerin returned with a lip smile as forgiveness.

"Ah, that's fine. I understood." Haerin replied.

"How're things going for you and Sunghoon?" Mrs. Park asked in curiosity with an enthusiastic look.

"We're both doing good. Nothing much cause Sunghoon's busy with skating." Haerin answered.

"I could see that, he goes home exhausted and sometimes sleeps without eating dinner yet." She stated worriedly.

"Well, I think the competition is two weeks left? I guess that's why he's more busy practicing than before." Haerin responded.

"Please don't tell me he doesn't take care of himself?" Mrs. Park asked.

"I supposed he's not getting enough rest, but Sunghoon's still taking care of himself- at least I make sure he does. He likes to message me from time to time to tell me how he's doing." Haerin told to lessen the worry of his mother.

"At least he's not hurting from ice skating. I was honestly too shocked when he suddenly told us he's gonna join that competition, even though I forced him to stop ice skating, I tried so." Mrs. Park said with a hum.

"It took him a week contemplating and to gather all his courage to join or not. Though he did, and he doesn't seem to be regretting it." Haerin said.

"I tried to stop him because I thought it'll only lead him to nowhere, and he'll just get hurt, but... I was wrong all along. Until now, his sincerity and his passion for skating never died. What's the point of stopping him when it seemed that skating was what he's destined to do." Mrs. Park sighed, sharing her thoughts while Haerin listened to her attentively.

"He's... the happiest when he's skating." Haerin uttered.

"He's also the happiest when he's with you, Haerin-ah. Thank you for taking care of Sunghoon." A wider smile and a fuzzy feeling rose in Haerin as Sunghoon's mother said those words.

"Speaking of, will you and Mr. Park be attending his competition? I'm pretty sure he would love you both to be there to watch him." Haerin asked.

"We will. His dad and I were just talking about it. Keep it a surprise from him though, okay?" Mrs. Park mischievously grins making the other laugh.

"Sure, Mrs. Park." Haerin replied but got confused when the woman groaned and looked at her with a tired expression.

"You're about to be my son's girlfriend! Call me mom instead, yeah?"


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