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Third person.

The time flew fast and the school festival is next week. The students became more and more excited while the student council and the people who participated in helping got busier.

Haerin plays with the pen in her hand, not focusing on the discussion of their teacher in front. Spending three days of making up her decision, Haerin finally decided to ask Sunghoon about the dance. She thought about doing it today, but now she can't even spare a glance at the certain guy.

"Pst, you good?" Soojin whispered to her as the teacher wasn't facing them. She noticed how the girl wasn't focusing and can't help to ask.

"Uh, yeah." Haerin nodded.

"You look off since the morning, though." Soojin asked as concern was written on her face.

"Don't worry Soojin, I just didn't eat breakfast." Haerin replied with a lie (not technically, she really didn't eat anything a while ago).


"Kang Soojin, Lim Haerin?" Mr.Lee called their names as a warning, his arms crossed.

"Sorry, Mr.Lee." Soojin apologized softly, followed by Haerin. The teacher rolled his eyes and cleared his throat, going back to his topic.

Sunghoon turned his head to Haerin, (un)fortunately, Haerin looked back at him. He shot a small smile, but both were interrupted by Mr.Lee's loud shout.


"Where's Heeseung hyung and Jungwon?" Sunghoon asked. The two boys haven't arrived yet for lunch and it was just the five of them together.

"Still having a meeting with the student council. You know, school festival things." Jay answered before taking another bite of his sandwich.

"Speaking of, do you guys have a partner for the dance night?" Sunoo clasped his hands as he asked.

"Can we all just go together? Like last year." Ni-ki suggested and everyone agreed.

"Yeah, I think it's better." Jake answered with a little laugh.

As his friends continued talking (about nonsense things), Sunghoon was in deep thoughts and wasn't paying attention to them anymore. Instead of witnessing Sunoo and Ni-ki's loud bickering, he was more of worrying about something, the dance.

Someone tapped Sunghoon's shoulder repeatedly causing him to turn his head too quickly. It was Heeseung, who laughed after seeing his serious face.

"How big is the problem you're thinking?" Heeseung asked jokingly. Sunghoon rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Nothing hyung, I was just zoning out. How was the meeting?" Sunghoon responded and asked while looking at Jungwon sitting in front of him.

"About the school festival, there will be fun booths and games, they're now setting it up in the school ground. A basketball game will also be in the afternoon. For the dance, they said to wear something formal and nice- I mean obviously right? It will start at 6 pm, until 9:30. The set up... whatever you'll see at the day." Jungwon stated, explaining the whole plan for the festival. They all listened and agreed.

"It lasted for 30 minutes, instead of 15." Jungwon added and complained.

"You should eat faster, fourth period will start again in a few minutes." Jay said as he looked at his wristwatch.


Haerin went out of one of the cubicles and walked towards the sink to wash her hands. She leaned closer to the mirror and looked at herself, before taking a deep breath.

It was an hour before the bell rings, and since it means dismissal will be soon, she excused herself from her class to go to the restroom and prepare herself before asking Sunghoon about that.

Haerin walked silently in the empty hallway, thinking she's the only one here. But when she looked around, her eyes spotted the last (maybe) person she wanted to talk to in school, and the person she's been nervous about. Her body forgot to move, so she just stood frozen in the middle of the big hallway. If anyone else was here, they might think of her weirdly.

Sunghoon saw her and wondered why she was just there, but he didn't mind it. When he got closer, Haerin gulped and gave a small smile to Sunghoon, he decided to approach her and she doesn't know if that was a nice move or not.

"Hey." Sunghoon waved and smiled.

"Um, hi." Haerin replied with a gawky smile, she returned it immediately once she realized it's embarrassing.

See, Lim Haerin already feels embarrassed even from a simple greeting.

"Go back to the classroom, our teacher might be waiting for you already." Sunghoon said and patted her head before slowly walking past her.

Haerin was shocked by the way he just patted her head, she doesn't know if he did it purposely or not. Her hand turned into a fist as she thinks about what she's about to do right now. Her mind was hesitating but sadly, she followed her heart.

"Sunghoon-ah!" Haerin shouted his name. Sunghoon heard her and stopped, turning around to look at Haerin who was already facing him.

Sunghoon raised an eyebrow and walked back to Haerin. The older girl gulped and calmed herself before speaking.

"I- I just wanna ask something, it'll be quick!" Haerin said. Sunghoon nodded and waited for her to continue.

'How am I supposed to say this?' Haerin asked herself, panicking in her mind. She swears she already practiced what she was supposed to say, but all the words now escaped her head.

"Haerin? You okay?" Sunghoon asked and waved his hand in front of her.

"I just wanna know if you have s-someone for the dance night already? If not then, willyoubemypartner... instead?" There, Haerin finally let it out. She didn't know if she used the right words (heck, if this was the right time) but she can't return the words anymore, she said it.

Sunghoon was honestly speechless, he didn't expect her to ask him that. He didn't answer anything yet, but only staring at Haerin, and that made Haerin more anxious.

"Yah, hello? Did you hear me? Cause I won't be repeating that." Haerin tried to joke around and chuckle to ease Sunghoon, and herself.

He put his hands in his pocket, and shook his head.

"Haerin, I'm sorry, I won't be going to the dance night."

Nevermind, this was the worst idea Haerin thought of.



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