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Third person.

The dance night is happening tonight, in just an hour to be exact.

"Haerin-ah! What's taking you so long there? Come out of your room I wanna see how you look!" She heard Yejin shouted outside.

"Just a second!" Haerin replied, clutching on her purse and looked at herself in the mirror for the seventh time, before walking out of her room.

A gasp was automatically heard from her roommate, taking a look at Haerin up and down before squealing, making the other cringe at the noise.

"Lim Haerin, you are so beautiful!" Yejin exclaimed in awe.

Indeed, Haerin looks gorgeous for tonight. She was wearing a long blue off-shoulder dress, pairing with gray high heels that are not seen. Yejin helped her with her makeup and her hair was curled down.

"Hold up, I need to take a picture of you," Yejin said as she opens the camera of her phone.

Haerin grinned widely, doing a few poses. She looked at the photos Yejin took and felt satisfied. Even she agrees on herself that she looks beautiful.

"I should go now, the event is about to start... oh shoot I'm late!" Haerin saw the time and exclaimed.

"Then go inside my car, quick! I'll just get my car keys." Yejin told her.

Haerin walked out of their apartment, feeling timid as some people inside the building stared at her. She hopped inside Yejin's car, and not long after, Yejin got in and started the car to drive, heading to EN-HIGH University.


As the girl stepped inside the school entrance, there was no one in the hallway anymore. She peeked inside the classrooms she passes by but she hasn't seen anyone in the school yet until she heard loud music blasting from the main venue. Haerin then walked and softly pushes the white door, greeted by purple foil curtains.

Now, this is where the party starts.

Haerin could see students already crowded up in the middle, dancing to the loud music. There were students in the food buffet, and others just talking with their friends. But what excited her the most was the photo booth, it was the same one from yesterday.

Soojin was nowhere to be found yet, so Haerin was about to text her when she heard her name was called.

"Haerin, right here!"

Haerin peered at her left, to see it was Soojin whilst waving her hand at her. She waved back and walked closer.

"I thought you haven't arrived?" Haerin uttered as she gave Soojin a little hug.

"Well, I came minutes ago." Soojin responded before taking a look at Haerin with wide eyes.

"Wah, you look stunning!" Soojin complimented, and Haerin narrowly smiled.

"Not compared to you." Haerin said, flattering the other girl.

"I'm hungry, wanna grabbed something to eat and find a table?" Soojin suggested.

"Aren't you going to dance?" Haerin asked, causing the other to shook her head.

"My partner hasn't arrived yet, I'll wait for him." Soojin answered and Haerin nodded.

"Isn't that Haerin over there?" Heeseung asked, eyeing the girl who walked to the food area.

"Oh yeah, that's Haerin and Soojin." Jake nodded.

"She is? She is!" Sunoo gasped as his mouth dropped, accidentally hitting Jungwon's shoulder.

"She looks a bit different..." Ni-ki noticed, squinting his eyes to look at the older girl's appearance.

"But pretty." He added, getting a nod from them.

"Too bad Sunghoon hyung can't come, I was hoping for them for the last dance." Sunoo muttered.

"Speaking of... Jay hyung hasn't arrived?"


"Where are they now?" Sunghoon murmured, slouching on the couch as his parents haven't answered his calls nor texts.

He was waiting for his parents, as they were supposed to go out for their 'family hang out', but until now neither of them have come home.

Sunghoon knows he's meant to be in the dance night right now, with his friends having a good time. And probably dancing with Haerin, if he didn't say no to her offer.

This is only the free time his parents have and they couldn't reschedule their hang out for another day. Sunghoon had no choice but to cancel going to the dance night, and spend the time with his mom and dad instead.

Sunghoon's phone buzzed, and it came from his mom. But he was disappointed in the message she sent him.

- My Mother

Sunghoon dear, can you wait for another hour? A problem suddenly occurred here and your dad has no choice but to bring a meeting

We promise to go home as soon as this finishes.

'Another hour? But I've been waiting for 2 hours!' Sunghoon groaned.

Sunghoon had enough of it, his hunch was right, they won't come after all. He stood up and went inside his room, dialing someone's phone number.


"Alright students! Get your partners ready for this last slow dance to complete the night!" The DJ said through the mic as a romantic song starts to play.

Students yelled and pulled their partners to dance with them. A guy approached their table, lending out his hand to Soojin. The girl smiled and glanced at Haerin, who nodded her head and signaled her to go.

"I'll come back after." Soojin whispered and stood up, walking to the middle to dance with the guy.

Haerin took a deep breath and ate the last piece of cake on her plate, watching the students who were dancing with a little bit of envy in her eyes. She didn't dance, not even once, she only remained in her seat and have a conversation with Soojin, going back and forth to the buffet.

'It was fun, right?' Haerin asked herself, pouting.

Her elbow suddenly hit the fork on her plate and fell on the floor. She picked it up but before she could get up again, her eyes landed on the shoes of someone that stood up in front of her.

"May I have this dance, my lady?"


Who? 👀

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