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Third person.

"May I have this dance? My lady?"

It caught Haerin off guard when she heard the voice, his voice. She thought she was just hearing things at first, but then, who's this person standing? She got up and looked at the person, face brightening up as she saw who it is.

Sunghoon's here, currently grinning at the girl. His hand was out ready to bring her to dance. But Haerin wasn't saying anything, she didn't know what to say to him. None of them were saying anything for a few minutes, just staring at each other with two different emotions.

"I said, may I have this dance with you, Lim Haerin? I know I look great right now but I don't want the song to end without being able to dance with you." Sunghoon said, cockily raising his brow as he extended his hand for her.

She hesitatingly put her hand on top of his. Sunghoon's smile grew and pulled Haerin to the middle of the dance floor, ignoring the looks they got from other people.

Sunghoon slowly wrapped his hands around her waist. Although Haerin was still blank, her hands shakily wrapped around Sunghoon's neck, a faint blush rushing on her cheeks. They started to sway together, following the other students. Her eyes couldn't look into Sunghoon's until she heard him laugh quietly.

"Stop laughing at me, I know I look stupid right now." Haerin finally said something to him.

"Ease it up, I didn't force you to dance with me, didn't I?" Sunghoon ironically responded.

"I'm just shocked. I didn't expect someone to just come to me and ask for a dance, especially not you." Haerin spat.

"Your reaction was cute anyway." Sunghoon blurted, successfully teasing the girl. Haerin looked away again, flustered about what he said. Sunghoon threw his head back in laughter.

Haerin took the chance to simply look at him. She wonders what made him wear a blue and gray suit, that made their outfits kind of matching.

"I hope you didn't wear this on purpose so we could match." Haerin muttered jokingly, of course.

"I swear I did not! Jay helped me get ready, I should thank him later." Sunghoon protested, mumbling his last statement.

They fell in silence again, gazing through each other's eyes as both of them are trying to discover the odd feeling they have right now. Haerin's mind was full of things and even her stomach was swirling. She attempts to ignore it, accusing the food she ate a while ago. But deep inside, she knows it's because of Sunghoon.

Because the two were in their world, they didn't notice their friends secretly watching them, holding their cameras while trying to suppress their giggles.


The slow dance just ended and students are now allowed to go home, or stay and do whatever they want until it officially ends. Haerin and Sunghoon went back to her table, having to cope up with their loud friends who joined them.

"Did you guys came together?" Heeseung asked, referring to Jay and Sunghoon.

"Sunghoon called me when I just hopped inside my car, he told me to help him get ready cause he changed his mind." Jay chuckled after saying.

"I thought you there's something important on this day that's why you couldn't come, Hoon?" Heeseung asked again.

"It got canceled. It's fine though, at least I was still able to make it here." Sunghoon reasoned out, yet he sounded serious so all of them bought his excuse, thankfully.

"You guys looked like the main characters." Soojin stated, clapping her hands and sighed dreamily.

"What the heck do you mean?" Haerin asserted.

Ni-ki then showed their video to them with a ridiculous grin on his face, pausing the scene where they were talking with bright smiles plastered on their faces. That made everyone scream again, urging Haerin and Sunghoon to leave the table, to which they did.

Sunghoon and Haerin ran and decided to go inside the photo booth quickly, far away from their table.

"Let's get photos!" Haerin pressed the button next to the camera before the boy could even reply.

Haerin immediately sat properly and did a peace sign, her lips forming a very wide smile. Sunghoon copied her, pressing his lips to a thin smile and winks. The camera snapped and was able to capture it.

The two spent their 10 minutes taking photos. Sunghoon got the photo strips from outside, going back inside to show Haerin. They broke into a fit of giggles while looking at their goofy ones, and there are also pictures of them (secretly) glancing at each other. Haerin kept the two of it and gave the other two to Sunghoon.

After the photo booth, Sunghoon suggested going to the school garden. And so here they are, sitting next to each other on the bench while admiring the stars above them.

"The stars are so pretty tonight." Haerin spoke.

"It does." Sunghoon agreed, his eyes softening when he turned his head to look at her. Haerin tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, giving Sunghoon a better view of her side profile.

Sunghoon found Haerin beautiful tonight the moment he saw her sitting alone, but he didn't know that seeing her up close would be more breathtaking. This girl has the charm that can cheer up anyone without realizing it, and Sunghoon knew that because regardless of his parents breaking their promise to him, Haerin made the night better.

"Look at the stars, not me." Haerin said, feeling the pair of eyes staring at her for how long now.

"I am looking at them." Sunghoon cleared his throat and looked at the sky as well, but eventually, his eyes fell on her again.

'You're prettier than the stars, Haerin.'


I want to finish this book now
but myself isn't cooperating 🥳

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