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Third person.

"Do you think I'll do good in my exams?" Sunghoon asked, a pout on his lips as he walks hand in hand with the girl in the school.

"Please Sunghoon, you always do. Stop stressing about it, you've studied more than enough already. Your brain deserves a big break." Haerin convinced him light-heartedly, squeezing his hand.

"It's nine in the morning and you guys are already acting as lovebirds in the middle of the hallway." Jay complains. Haerin wonders where they came from but, oh well, she loves their presence anyways.

"They're just holding hands, don't be bitter." Heeseung said without looking at Jay directly. Jay sent him an offended gasp though, making him break into laughter.

"Hey, guys." Haerin greeted and got it back from them.

"What's this penguin bugging you about?" Jake asked, sneering at the boy who glared at him.

"Hoon's worried about the exams." Haerin scoffed.

"Dude, you're worried about the exam when you have completely zero chance to fail?" Sunoo deadpanned.

"I told mom and dad about the figure skating competition and well, I made them agree but that means I have to surpass my usual grades and do better if that's the way not to put my skating at risk." Sunghoon responded all in one go, losing his breath.

"You'll do great, Sunghoon. You won't get any low grades unless you got cursed." Heeseung assured him, a chuckle escaping his lips as he said out another joke.

"What's up with you today?" Jungwon shot the oldest a disgusted look, he's been hearing ironic comments from Heeseung since the morning.

Sunghoon rolled his eyes at his friends who are just about to start the bickering.

Truth to be told, Sunghoon does know he can ace them. Overthinking was just a habit of his and so he can't help but be uncertain. He still got to prove himself, remember?


Skimming through all the test papers submitted back to him, he glances at the red-inked number written on the top of each of them; his marks.

A+. Oh, thank God. A small subtle smile plastered his lips.

"So, how is it?" Jake leaned in whispering. Sunghoon didn't answer but revealed his results to his best friend. As a result, Jake smiled and proudly patted his shoulder.

"You got all A plus! See? Knew there was nothing to be worried about." Jake said. He showed his papers to Sunghoon as well, and as to no surprise, he also got impressive marks.

Sunghoon turned to his back, gazing at Haerin. Eventually, Haerin looked at him too, sending questioning eyes. Sunghoon gave a thumbs up and a genuine smile. Haerin catching his answer, clapped her hands causing Sunghoon to chuckle.

All Sunghoon wanted to do is go home, show it to his parents, get satisfied remarks from them, and there, he can do figure skating without any conflicts (not like they can still argue about it anyway).

Eating his dinner together with his parents, he patiently waited for his father to say something as he intensely examines his son's test marks just after his mom.

"Um, how did I do?" Sunghoon asked when his test papers were given back to him.

"Excellent, Sunghoon. And therefore you can do ice skating." His mother told him. Sunghoon squinted his eyes, curious about what she truly meant.

"By that, do you mean it's not just for the competition but I'm now allowed to skate whenever I like? Like every weekend?" Sunghoon asked twice.

"Sure, like you haven't been skating without letting us know." Hearing a scoff and short laughter from them made him quite delighted, discerning that they won't be stopping him from ice skating anymore.

"Will you be there to watch my competition?" Sunghoon asked, but he doubts.

"We don't know, Hoon. We'll see." His dad replied. Sunghoon nodded, setting his hopes low.

Dinner ended well. Sunghoon proceeded to his room to finally get to rest. It was a long and tiring day especially when he has training right after school every day.

He only got one more to focus on, the competition. Yet today's practice seemed like he wasn't concentrating on it. He got scolded many times because he can't do the axel jump right for his finale even though he already had tried lots of attempts without buying the letdown to get into him. It was the major trick that he's having real difficulty on, the other rest, he can do them without much of a problem, though he does need to work on doing the whole in perfect. He knew that he wasn't a professional skater to be able to do a stunt that he hasn't done fast, but he knows he must as soon as possible.

The competition is only in a couple of weeks and Sunghoon felt his heart drop just be thinking of what might occur. He started to overthink once again, afraid that he might not be able to reach the expectations once he performs.

But then again, he's been wishing to figure skate after so many years. Although it was only one competition that he has joined in before and that he was young at that time, he still couldn't forget how he enjoyed it so much. As a kid, what he felt was like flying on the clouds by his feet. It was that time too when he realized he wasn't giving up on ice skating.

The thought of having to skate in front of many other people is scary but also having to dance to the music and hear cheers from them because you are in the spotlight does excite him as well.

If he starts to think of it that way, maybe there isn't to worry about.


Why can't it be winter break

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