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Third person.

Haerin used her keys to open the door and made her way inside her shared apartment with her friend. She took off her shoes and tossed them somewhere.

"What took you so long, Rin?" Her roommate Yejin, appeared in the living room with lots of chips beside her.

"Long story." Haerin muttered. Yejin was about to shrug it off when she noticed the unfamiliar jacket on Haerin's arm.

"Why is your jacket stained with something brown? Oh wait, is that a new one?" Yejin pointed out. Haerin stopped and looked at the white jacket she's been holding, causing her to remember the embarrassing situation that happened a while ago.

She groaned and stomped her way to her room, without answering her Yejin who felt offended after getting no response.

As she went inside her bedroom, she turned the lights on and carefully placed the jacket on her armchair. She'll wash it later, but for now, she wanna rest.


"Hey! Dinner's ready!" Yejin shouted from the kitchen making Haerin spring out of her room.

"Thanks, Yejin~" Haerin sang. She didn't waste time and began eating.

"Dang, didn't you eat anything the whole day? Calm down!" Yejin looked at her in disgust while the other scoffed at her.

"What? I'm just hungry! And your cooking is the best." Haerin replied. Yejin chuckled and sat down beside her, reading to taste what she cooked.

"Yah, you didn't answer my question by the way." Yejin spoke, breaking the silence.

"Hm? What was your question?" Haerin asked her.

"What happened to you a while ago? You looked like a zombie when you came in, and your new jacket was dirty." Yejin asked.

Haerin widened her eyes. Crap, she forgot to put it in the laundry since she fell asleep.

"I'm so forgetful!" Haerin cried out, pointing out herself.

"Huh?" Yejin was more confused.

"Well, something happened a while ago. I was about to go home after ordering my caffè mocha, but then I bumped into a guy... and spilled it on his jacket." She explained and paused for a minute looking at her friend who was waiting for her to continue.

"So he got mad at me and gave me it and said that I must wash it up and meet him again tomorrow and I had no choice, aish why didn't I disagree?! Yes, that jacket you saw isn't mine but someone I don't even know! Can you believe it?! We don't even know each other yet he did that to me? Yes, it was my fault but-" Haerin blabbered but was stopped by Yejin.

"Okay yes I understand, now shh." Yejin shoved a spoon in Haerin's mouth causing the frustrated girl to shut up.

"Ah, Yejin what do I do?" She whined dramatically.

"What else? Then do what he asked you to do?" The other replied. Haerin sighed and just nodded.

"Was he like an old man though? Cause that would've been so funny." Yejin laughed as Haerin glared at her and shook her head.

"No, he kinda looked like my age." She answered that caused the older to form her mouth into an 'o' form.

"Did you get his name?" Yejin asked.

"No, why would I?" Haerin rolled her eyes.

"What? But you said you'll meet each other again tomorrow right?" She asked again.

"Ugh, yes. But I might not even remember his face tomorrow." Haerin facepalmed.

"Today was an unlucky day for you, huh?"
Yejin laughed again, while Haerin just snickered and didn't utter a word anymore.


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