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Third person.

At last, Haerin's third class was over. She grabbed a tray once she went inside the cafeteria and placed it in front of the lunch lady, receiving the usual menu. She thanked the old lady and rushed to find a seat.

She sat down and started to eat, ignoring the noises coming from the other students. She then saw Sunghoon sitting with the popular guys, laughing with them. He looks like a popular kid in this university already, no doubt he will be.

Soon Haerin's tray was empty. She stood up and placed her tray next to the bin before walking to the vending machine to get a drink. She pressed the number of her beloved chocolate drink and watch it fall, but it suddenly got stuck in the middle.

"Not again." Haerin groaned and tried to get it from the bottom but her arm isn't long enough. She tried to kick the machine as gently as she can but it won't work, though she wouldn't risk kicking it harder that could break the vending machine.

"Um, you need help?" Someone asked from behind, who was been waiting for his turn. Haerin got startled a little and turn around, to see Yang Jungwon raising his eyebrow at her.

"Uh, I guess?" She responded.

Jungwon stepped forward and kicked it without hesitating, the least thing Haerin expected him to do. Some students looked at them weirdly but at least Haerin got her chocolate drink.

"We need better vending machines." Jungwon sighed as he handed her the drink.

"You didn't break it, did you?" Haerin asked him causing him to laugh.

"Of course it didn't." Jungwon giggled as Haerin felt relieved.

"Alright... thanks." Haerin bowed and walked away leaving him there.


As the school bell finally rang for the last period, Haerin stood up along with the other students and threw her bag on her shoulders. She walked slowly to the door and saw the hallway was full of students as all the classes ended at the same time.

Haerin made her way to her locker and grabbed all her belongings, including his jacket.

'What's his name again? Sunghoon? Right.'

Haerin sighed thinking whether she should meet him or not... but the thought of giving the jacket back today so it will be over made her agree.

But as her thoughts go further, she began to wonder if he would come to see her too. Haerin doesn't wanna sit and wait there for nothing.

'Well if he doesn't show up then I'll keep this, I guess.' Haerin sighed.

She closed her locker and checked the time: 1:25, she still has time to reach the coffee shop.

Haerin headed to the school gate while she tries to avoid the students from bumping to her, they all seem in a hurry to go home.
Haerin then looked behind her back, not expecting to be hit by someone in front.

"Ouch!" Haerin hissed in annoyance, but it soon vanished when she looked at the student.

There stood the Park Sunghoon, in front of her.

"I'm sorry-" Sunghoon stopped his sentence when he finally looked at the girl.

"You?!" He pointed his finger at her as his eyes grew wider.

"W-what me?!" Haerin stuttered, pointing herself too.

Oh, how she badly wants to punch herself right now.


I need to improve my writing skills-
Say something if you're reading
this >:(

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