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  Third person.

Valentine's Day is always a great day for Haerin. Possibly because the day is known for love, and also it's the same month as her birthday (which happened last week).

This year's Valentine's though is more than special. Because for once, seeing couples act all lovey-dovey in public doesn't plant a bitter look on her face anymore. She has someone now too, so take that, cupid.

Much to everyone's dismay, Valentine's Day is on a Monday, so they still had to spend half of the day in school. But it was alright, the school had red banners and love quotes on the walls. Many others were receiving either love letters or straightway confessions, some with chocolates or small gifts too. It's good to know their hearts are full of love.

Sunghoon was getting a lot from girls. Haerin did not mind, it was funny to see him accept them with an obvious awkward smile. Plus, she got a bouquet of red roses from the guy they're swooning over. Not to brag but, she technically won.

Opening her locker, Haerin saw letters written on sticky notes that are meant for her. It wasn't surprising though, she gets these every year from those who had a bit of a crush on her.

"Who's that from?" A voice appeared behind her. Haerin turned around to show Sunghoon the cutely hand-written letters.

"Do you wanna go out with m- no." Sunghoon's eyebrows knitted together, unimpressed at how some boys are trying to hit on Haerin.

"Huh? They aren't asking you." Haerin grabbed the yellow paper from him.

"Okay, I'm answering it for you." Sunghoon replied with a nonchalant face, making Haerin scoff with a laugh.

"And why can't I?" Haerin argued.

"Because you are going out with me instead, today. Let's celebrate Valentine's Day together." Sunghoon answered with a subtle smirk appearing on his face, leaning close to Haerin to make them only a few inches apart.

"You haven't even asked me yet." Haerin crossed her arms, ignoring her loud heartbeat and flustered cheeks.

"Ask you what?" Sunghoon straightened up. Oh, he knows, but flustered Haerin is just quite adorable to see.

"You don't know? Fine, I'm not goi-"

"Would you be my Valentine, Haerin?" Sunghoon said the question, just as Haerin wanted.

If they weren't in public, Haerin would have screamed at how attractive he sounded.

"There you go. Okay, sure." Haerin's smile was too much for Sunghoon to handle. He pinched her cheek but if no one else was around, he would have brought her into his arms already.

"Great. I'll pick you up later at six, 'kay?" Sunghoon assured, getting a nod in return.

"Okay~" Haerin singsong, then began to walk with Sunghoon on their way to their shared class, hands clasped together.


It was after school when Haerin was dressed up nicely, patiently sitting on the sofa while waiting for the doorbell. It was concerning but not surprising too when she jolted up from her seat and quickly went to open the door the second the doorbell rang.

Standing outside the door was her date for Valentine, Sunghoon, to pick her up.

"Happy Valentine's Da-" The boy was cut off by a hug from Haerin, stumbling back.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Haerin chirped. It made Sunghoon laugh amusingly.

"You're too excited?" Sunghoon questioned, getting a simple hum from the girl.

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