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Third person.

Sunghoon looked at his mirror, fixing the necktie of his new uniform. Thankfully the school's uniform is much more comfortable than his old one, and it also looks better.

Sunghoon grabbed his phone from charging to put it in his pocket. He put on his shoes and long coat and grabbed his bag before going downstairs when he was finally ready.

"Good morning Sunghoon, go to the bus stop now. You don't wanna be late for your first day, don't you?" His mom smiled at him as Sunghoon nodded.

"Yeah, I'm going now, see you later." He waved and walked outside.

The bus was already here when he arrived at the stop. He got inside and swiped his bus card before finding a seat. He saw some of the people inside wearing the same school uniform as his, and some of them even looked at him. Sunghoon enjoys the morning weather, it wasn't too cold unlike yesterday and lots of people are crowding the busy street.

The bus stopped next to the huge university. He got off the bus along with the other students and stepped inside.

'EN-HIGH is bigger than I thought.' Sunghoon thought while his eyes wandered around.

The hallway was packed with students, and he doesn't know where to go. Instead of asking a student or teacher that passes by, he opened his phone to text Jay. Sunghoon already told his friends what school he'll transfer to, and the two were more excited than him when they found out.

- J.


So I'm here standing in the hallway


I don't where to go


Good morning to you.

You could've just asked for help from the other students

You know I don't wanna do that

Right, of course you don't

Fine, just wait until I and Jake approaches you

Also, we're here with our other friends
too so you'll meet them



Sunghoon looked around and see any signs of his friends. Since he's pretty much an introverted person that hates socializing, he gets troubled when trying to communicate with anyone. That leaves Jay and Jake to be his only buddies.

"Sunghoon!" He heard someone shout his name making him look up and smile at his friends. The two immediately engulfed him with a hug as Sunghoon happily accepted it.

"You're finally here!" Jake claimed and ruffled the younger's hair.

"It's nice to have you here, Hoon. Those are our friends, Yang Jungwon and Lee Heeseung." Jay pointed out the other two who were standing behind them. Heeseung waved while Jungwon gave a smile and came forward.

"Hi hyung, I'm Jungwon. It's nice that another person will be added to our group." Jungwon spoke and Sunghoon nodded with a smile.

"You have a group? Of what?" Sunghoon asked.

"Group of friends." Jake clarified for him.

"Sunoo and Riki haven't arrived yet, but you'll meet them later." Heeseung said.

"We're here!" They all turned their heads to the back, seeing two boys walking towards them.

"There they are, that's Kim Sunoo and Nishimura Riki, he's the youngest among all of us." Jay said as Sunghoon nodded again.

"Hi, I'm Kim Sunoo, nice to meet you!" Sunoo brightly smiled, which Sunghoon returned with a slim smile.

"I'm Riki, from Japan. I preferred to be called Ni-ki, but it's up to you, hyung." Ni-ki stated and smiled at him.

"Look! They're here!"

"Who's that boy with them?"

"Must be a new transferee."

"Wah, he's handsome!"

Sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows as many students are staring at them, mostly at him.

"Why are they...?"

"Ah, those students. Don't mind them, they are probably surprised seeing you here." Heeseung said, placing his hand on Sunghoon's shoulder.

"Let's go to the cafeteria before class starts?" Jay asked and everyone agreed.

Students gave way to the boys who are well known in school. They are the school's pride, you could say. They got the looks, top achievements, and skills that everyone admires. Sunghoon wasn't bothered by that, he's just like them after all.


Just an introduction for the
other members :))

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