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Third person

A week of no school after the school festival went by too quickly. Everyone's back from break, which means boring classes and tons of homework are about to start again.

That also means you're gonna hear new rumors around the whole school once you enter, like right now.

Two fresh topics were going around. First, is the dance night that everyone still hasn't gotten over it. And second, Park Sunghoon and Lim Haerin: the new rumored couple.

When Haerin stepped inside the university, a few students suddenly appeared out of nowhere, encircling her.

"Are you Lim Haerin?"

"Um yeah, I am. Why-"

"So you're Sunghoon's girlfriend?"

"Are you and Park Sunghoon dating?"

"Are you and Sunghoon together?"

"E-excuse me... what?!" Haerin was stunned by the questions they bombarded her all at the same time, and more students came behind blocking her way. It was as if they were some kind of news reporters.

"What's between you and Sunghoon?" Another student asked.

"Nothing!" Her voice raised, sounding defensive.

"Why is she still denying when they got caught already?" A girl whispered to her friend near Haerin.

Haerin furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head towards the girl, about to ask her what she meant until a deep voice interrupted the commotion from behind.

"Leave her alone." Sunghoon instructed with a warning tone.

Arriving only a minute ago, he already had noticed the noise coming from a crowd. But as soon as he saw Haerin in the center, he already knew what this is all about.

Sunghoon glared at them to step aside, walking towards a troubled Haerin and grabbing her hand. He didn't say anything else and led her away from them.

"You good?" Sunghoon glanced at her.

"Aside from being confused right now, yes, I'm okay." Haerin responded and chuckled dryly.

"Quick question, why do they think you and I are... dating?" Haerin couldn't help but ask, pointing her fingers at both him and herself.

"Somebody caught us together alone in the school garden and made assumptions about it. And also, because of the dance, so they mistakenly thought we are... that." Sunghoon explained briefly with a long sigh.

"Who?" Haerin asked, but only received a shrug from Sunghoon as he also doesn't know who could that anonymous person be

"One of them, for sure." Sunghoon said.

"Gosh, why tell that to the whole school, though. Now your fans are going to hate me." Haerin grunted. Sunghoon laughed, shaking his head.

"They can't hate the person I like just because it's not them." Sunghoon scoffed. Haerin laughed until she realized the words he slipped.

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" Haerin asked, grinning slightly.

"I- I mean, if I like someone." Sunghoon answered, emphasizing the word if. Haerin didn't stop and decided to tease him again.

"Then, do you like someone?" Haerin looked at him, wiggling her eyebrows. Sunghoon widened his eyes for a second and couldn't answer back but luckily for him, Jake came.

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