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Third person.

Studying was never a problem for Lim Haerin. She's one of the smart students in class. Normally, she would get her homework done in less than an hour, or just review all the previous lessons in her head and not worry about a thing when there's a pop quiz.

That is until the subject is History.

Haerin hates History, no lies. Her brain hurts just by memorizing all the dates, people, and other stuff that happened in the late century (what for? She isn't going to be a historian when she grows up). Plus, she has a strict teacher that's probably in his fifties who's ninety percent shouting over small things, and ten percent teaching.

She's been in the library for three hours, reviewing the essay she wrote and reading her History book for the ninth time, but still couldn't understand anything.

'Okay, I should stop sleeping on this subject.' She pursed her lips and sighed.

She continued to search about a certain topic on her laptop as her eyes were glued to the screen, not minding the presence of other people around her.

Sunghoon just got inside the library, the librarian sparing a glance at him when he closed the glass door silently. Jay told him to return the book he borrowed to the library, and Sunghoon being the 'good' friend he is, agreed.

After successfully returning the book, he looks around to find somewhere to sit and chill out for a bit until he saw Haerin who was too focused on her laptop. He thought of something before heading to her seat. Sunghoon sat down across her and stared at her without saying any word to greet her.

Haerin felt the presence of a man in front of her so she looked up and furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Sunghoon.

"What are you doing here?" Haerin forwardly asked, and she hoped it didn't come out rudely.

"Nothing, what are you doing?" Sunghoon responded, sparing a glance at her book.

"Our History essay for tomorrow." She answered, grunting.

"Don't be too pressured on it." Sunghoon said, which only made Haerin give him a dead stare. Lucky for him, he had already finished and doesn't have a problem with the subject that the girl across him dreaded the most.

"It's so hard! I don't understand everything I wrote here and I still need about four paragraphs." Haerin whined and was about to hit her forehead on the table but Sunghoon put out his hand for Haerin not to hurt herself on the table.

Realizing his sudden action, Sunghoon slowly lifts Haerin's head and cleared his throat.

"Do you want me to help you?" Sunghoon offered. Haerin thought for a while but eventually nodded, she wants to pass and maybe Sunghoon can help her with this.

"Sure, thank you, Sunghoon." Haerin said.

"Would you mind if I sit beside you?" Sunghoon asked.

"Not at all." Haerin pressed her lips to a thin smile. Sunghoon went to her side and sat down beside her, but not too close. She showed her laptop to him as he examined her essay written on the screen.

Soon Sunghoon started telling her about the topic. Haerin realized how much of a smart guy Sunghoon is. He made everything clearer for her and made sure all the words she wrote were correct. The two were too busy studying with each other quietly.

Jungwon and Jay stopped by inside the library when they surprisingly spotted Sunghoon with Haerin.

"And here we thought he went out." Jungwon snorted and rolled his eyes.

Jay took out his phone then opened his camera, directing it to them. Jungwon laughed and punch his hyung's shoulder, causing Jay to burst out laughing as well, the librarian had to ruin the fun.

"Ehem, it's better for you guys to laugh outside. And no cellphones allowed mister." The librarian said and glared at the boys who immediately apologized and walked outside, giggling mischievously.


Haerin tapped her foot on the grass while waiting for Sunghoon who excused himself not too long ago.

After finishing the essay with the help of Sunghoon, they decided to go to the school garden and take a break.

"I'm back." Sunghoon said as he handed her strawberry ice cream. Her eyes lit up and grabbed it from him.

"Thank you so much, I owe you a lot today." Haerin chuckles and starts eating her ice cream.

"No worries, Haerin." Sunghoon said, patting the girl's head.

"No seriously, I'll make it up to you soon!" Haerin insisted.

They were eating their ice creams without saying anything when both of them heard a snap. They turned their heads towards the sound and their eyes widened when they saw all of his friends, Heeseung taking a picture of them.

"Damn it, Hee, we got caught." Jay groans.

"The heck..." Sunghoon mumbled.

"Took you long enough to see us." Sunoo spoke and smirked proudly.

"What are you guys up to?" Haerin asked.

"Nothing, hehe. Sorry for disturbing you guys." Jake replied as he starts pushing them away.

"They dragged me into this!" Ni-ki exclaimed, defending himself.

"Sunghoon we'll be waiting for you outside the gate!" Heeseung shouted until they were completely out of sight.

"I have weird friends." Sunghoon sighed.

"You should go now with them." Haerin uttered as Sunghoon nodded in return.

"Okay, see you tomorrow. Good luck with your essay." Sunghoon said and smiled.

"Of course, Park Sunghoon helped me." Haerin replied proudly, earning a giggle from the boy.

She watched as Sunghoon started walking away, while she stayed on her spot until her ice cream was finished.


I don't really know what
History is, I think it's AP for


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