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Third person.

Saturday, the weekend. Normally, Lim Haerin would just stay in bed all day watching Tiktok videos or binge-watch some movies. But today she decided to do something else.

The sound of the dogs barking as soon as Haerin opened the glass door made her feel excited for today. She looked at the cute puppies twirling and roaming around the floor and smiled at them.

"Hi! You must be a volunteer for today?" A woman in her 30s approached her and Haerin bowed.

"Ah, yes I am. My name is Lim Haerin." Haerin said. The woman nodded and asked for Haerin's signature on the paper she's holding. Other unfamiliar names that volunteered were also on the paper, put in different schedules for a week.

"Alright, you have 3 hours to work. There's nothing else much to do other than playing with them and feeding them their treats-
don't spoil them though. And if a customer comes, just call me, okay?" The woman said, giving her a warm smile.

"Yes, thank you! I'll make sure to take care of them!" Haerin exclaimed, the woman chuckled and walked away.

'Ah! They're so cute~' Haerin squealed as her attention went back to the puppies.

"Hello little cuties, how are you?" She asked them, expecting no response back. She sat on a beanbag before petting the dogs who seems to like her presence too.

One small puppy particularly caught her eyes. She slowly put it on her lap and looked at the name tag hanging on its neck.

"Nice to meet you Gaeul, I'm Haerin." She giggled.


Haerin wouldn't deny she's enjoying what she signed up for. She mostly played with the dogs and tried to teach them some moves to give them treats. Haerin has 30 minutes left before her job finishes.

It's fun, though no one has entered the shop yet. The whole time was quiet and only the dogs barking echoed in the place. Haerin thought there will be no customer for today... until she heard the door opened and saw someone by surprise.

"Park Sunghoon?" She called, catching the male's attention.

Sunghoon looked at her, surprised to see her here, in a dog shop, with a small white puppy on her lap.

"Hi Haerin, nice seeing you here." Sunghoon walked towards her and smiled.

"Mhm, what are you doing here?" Haerin questioned, which was supposed to be Sunghoon's question first.

"Nothing much. I seldom go here to see the puppies before I pass this shop." He replied and Haerin nodded.

"What are you doing here? I didn't know you work here." Sunghoon asked as she quickly shook her head.

"I just volunteered to work here for today from their post that I saw on the internet yesterday since I thought it would be fun instead of just locking myself in my room all day." She replied, laughing at her last statement.

Sunghoon's eyes caught the furry animal on Haerin's lap, who's trying to get out of her grasp, while the girl holds her still. He kneeled next to her to pet the puppy and grabbed her from Haerin.

"I know right, she's so cute." Haerin whispered to him making the boy laugh slightly.

"Right, she is adorable. What's her name? He asked.

"Gaeul." She answered and let him see the name tag placed on Gaeul's neck.

Haerin unintentionally moved closer to him without noticing at first. The sudden skinship of their shoulders made the two teenagers freeze on their spot.

"Sorry." Haerin sheepishly smiled and moved farther.

"You and your boyfriend seem to like Gaeul, do you want to adopt her?" The same woman showed up again, startling them.

But what shocked them more... was the word she just called Sunghoon.


Haerin looked at Sunghoon, then turned to the woman, and back to Sunghoon, not believing what she heard.

"B-boyfriend? You're mistaken- we're not u-uh..." Haerin stuttered and pointed her finger back and forth to herself and to the boy who wasn't doing anything to save the two of them.

"I'm sorry! I should've known first!" The woman chuckled. Haerin laughed awkwardly while Sunghoon cracked a smile.

"It's okay, no worries." Sunghoon said, bowing slightly.

"Anyways Haerin-ssi, your shift is over. Here's your small salary for helping the dog shop today!" The woman exclaimed as she gave her a small envelope.

"Thank you so much! I had a fun time." Haerin stood up and smiled.

"We'll be going, it's nice to meet you!" Haerin said. They bowed to each other before Haerin headed outside, with Sunghoon following her behind.

Once the fresh air brushed against her face, she turned around to look at Sunghoon.

"I'm going home now." Haerin informed him.

"Oh, well..." Sunghoon scratched his nape, showing that he wants to say something but he's not sure if he should.

"What is it Sunghoon?" Haerin asked.

"This might be sudden but, I was wondering if you're still free right now. Do you wanna go ice skating... w-with me?"



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