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Third person.

A week passed, and Sunghoon and Haerin were happy together. Things went back to normal as before, except they're more than just friends. Eventually, they told their friends too, including Yejin.

No, they're not in an official relationship yet. Sunghoon's courting her. But that's okay, Sunghoon can wait as long as he gets to be with Haerin for a lifetime. They've gone to a few small dates, spam each other with random sweet messages, Sunghoon makes it a habit to carry her bag after school too, and all other bare minimum actions that he found on k-dramas and google. Haerin appreciates it, finding it funny and adorable at the same time.

Right now they're back again in the school's library on a Friday. As said, exams are coming again. But on the bright side, their Christmas break is coming after, and that's the three weeks students are anticipating to.

Haerin let out an exasperated sigh, uninterested and bored of studying the revision papers on the table. Piles of books were scattered on the table too, putting a scowl on her face. Sunghoon tittered and closed the book he's holding, turning his attention all to the girl beside her.

"Tired? Wanna go home now?" Sunghoon asked in his soft voice.

"Do you want to?" Haerin turned the question, both her elbows on the table leaning on but facing Sunghoon.

"Well, I still have to finish reading a few more pages. But if you don't wanna study anymore then let's go." Sunghoon rubbed his nape.

"Okay, we'll go home later. Continue studying, I'll just take a break." Haerin responded.


"Yes. I still need to study too. Otherwise, I'd be distracted if I do at home." Haerin sighed and Sunghoon nodded.

"Alright, let's rest our brains." Sunghoon stretched out his arms with a sigh.

The two were in a pleasing silence. Haerin looked around the library, eyeing the other students who were also studying, some were just chilling.

"Hoon-ah." Haerin called, it wasn't a few seconds for Sunghoon to respond.

"Yes, babe?" Sunghoon said it on purpose without looking at her, but when he felt her glaring eyes towards him, he failed to sustain a serious face and chuckled.

"Will you join the skating competition?" Haerin asked.

"Skating competition? Almost forgot about that." Sunghoon mumbled, earning a low chuckle from the other.

"I... will not." Sunghoon scarcely smiled, shaking his head.

"Are you sure about that or you just haven't made up your mind?" Her eyebrow raised, knowing Sunghoon too well. Sunghoon sighed deeply, frowning and shaking his head again.

"The school gave you time to make up your decision if you'll do it or not. But you can't keep them waiting, it'll cause delays." Haerin asserted.

"I want to. I really want to." Sunghoon crossed his arms, pouting his lips.

"But you can't." Haerin inserted, concluding that's what Sunghoon would say in addition of his sentence.

"...Yes." He murmured, sinking in his chair.

"If it's because we have exams coming up, you can study every before and after your practice. I can help you anytime, too." Haerin proposed.

"That could work." Sunghoon muttered.

"Of course it would, you're too smart to fail." Haerin teased, smiling foolishly. Sunghoon scoffed.

"If you wanna compete on the ice, then do it. And you'll do it not because of the university, but because you want to show people how talented and amazing you are. Trust yourself, and the love of your life." Haerin put her hand on his shoulder, giving a reassuring thin smile. Sunghoom returned the smile, but as her words stuck on his mind, he thought of the last statement.

"By the term love of my life, do you mean ice skating or... you?" Sunghoon leaned in forward, an evident smirk playing on his lips.

"Hmm, both?"

They both shared giggles, Sunghoon showing his dimples showing that Haerin wants to poke. How grateful he is to have her, clearly the love of his life.

"Thank you, that means a lot." Sunghoon held her hand under the table, caressing it.

"Good. As it should." Haerin responded and began to play with his fingers.

"By the way, does a date sounds good?" Sunghoon sneakily asked.

"This will be our fourth date already, it's just been a week." Haerin stated.

"Come on~ Ice skating tomorrow?"


"Why. Is. This. So. Difficult!" Haerin complained, emphasizing each word that come out of her mouth as she held on the side of the ice rink for her life.

She fell too many times for the past thirty minutes and right now Sunghoon was laughing at her as he continued to skate around as if it was the easiest thing to do, aware of the complaints Haerin has been giving but choosing to ignore it. He tries to get her back to the middle again, but the girl wanted to rest her back first.

Haerin thought it would be better just to watch him like the lovestruck girl she is. He seems just like playing around, and if only that's how simple ice skating is, she would be joining with him as well. Whatever, she's contented to see him having the best time of his life, even though he suggested the date.

"I know I'm handsome and you love watching me doing this but I want to skate with you!" Sunghoon shouted from the other corner of the rink, too far from her.

"You're just going to laugh at how bad I am at this!" Haerin yelled back.

"I won't! Promise! I will always catch you every time you fall." Sunghoon winked, missing the fact that Haerin can't see it because of how far they are from each other. Haerin was stunned to speak, might have misconstrued what he meant.

Who was she to resist? Haerin waited for him to come to her and grab her hand. Haerin follows where he goes, doing the gliding steps he taught her. Their hands let go of each other. Haerin concentrated to perfect her move while Sunghoon just let her be. He was ahead of her until he heard a crash landing on the ice, again.

Sunghoon turned his head to look, already knowing who fell. Remembering his promise, he didn't laugh and went back to her. He lent out his hand, only to be pulled and dropped down as well beside her.

"Dumbass, you said you would catch me!" Haerin huffed. It wasn't all serious.

"Oops, how could I catch you when you made me fall harder?" Sunghoon expressed a slight groan, but he was grinning at her.

Again, did his words mean something else?


To the prettiest boy who's super talented
and does amazing in everything and
has achieved so many in life despite
just turning 19 today and he's also
known as Park Sunghoon, happy birthday.

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