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Third person.

"I was wondering if you're still free right now. Do you wanna go ice skating... with me?" Sunghoon asked. Embarrassment grew inside him as he couldn't take his words back. He only realized it was just like asking Haerin out.

"H-huh?" Haerin murmured, unable to process his words quickly.

"You know the ice rink place that's nearby here? I always go there every weekend.
Maybe you wanna come? If you want to." Sunghoon said smoothly enough to cover up his nervousness.

Haerin was quiet for a while. Her lips were pressed together in a super-thin line while rocking her body side to side. It made Sunghoon impatient, expecting a no or a shaking head from her because of how long she's been thinking. But then Haerin curved a smile on her face.

"Sure! Why not? I'm free anyway." It almost came out eagerly, Haerin hoped Sunghoon didn't notice that.

"Oh? Oh! Yeah, great." Sunghoon exclaimed.

"Let's... go?" Haerin pointed the way with her thumb. Sunghoon nodded and walked beside her.

As they walk together, silence engulfed them that even their steps could be easily heard. Sunghoon had his hands in the pocket of his jeans while Haerin busied herself looking around.


Only a few people were in the ice rink and it was wide, making Sunghoon sigh in relief. He puts on his ice skates while Haerin watches him.

He stepped on the ice rink and balanced himself. Once he can finally stand properly, he looked back at Haerin who's now sitting in the vacant seat.

"Do you know how to skate?" Sunghoon asked Haerin, who shook her head.

"Nope, never in my life." She fully answered.

"I can teach you." Sunghoon said, offering his hand for Haerin.

"Can you show me first, please?" Haerin had been anticipating seeing Sunghoon skate. She's seen lots of skating competitions on the internet and does find the sport engaging.

Sunghoon gave a small smile before he moved delicately to the middle. He started to wander half of the rink as a warm-up. It was only just a warm-up, but to Haerin it already looked unbelievably cool. And it only amazed her more when he spun around and starts to do the moves he always does.

5 years of skating. The ice skater boy will never get tired of loving the feeling of being on the ice.

"Wah!" Haerin gasped, watching Sunghoon with wide eyes and mouth parted. She quickly took her phone out of her bag to take a video of him.

He was gliding gracefully as if dancing to music no one else could hear except himself. He was adding some tricks he learned while moving.

Haerin's eyes were sparkling with enjoyment. She was smiling too much and cheering for him caught Sunghoon's attention. He looked at her, noticing that she's been recording him all the time. It made him shy yet it made his ego higher.

Haerin's heart suddenly skipped a beat when Sunghoon skated towards her while running his fingers through his soft black hair. She can't help but stare, finding it attractive.

"Come on, it's fun!" Sunghoon told her.

"Wait!" Haerin put down her phone to put on her skates. She struggled a bit but managed to wear it properly. Once done, she looked up to see Sunghoon lending out his hand while looking at her. Haerin gladly accepted it and stood up with her hand on Sunghoon's.

Sunghoon skated back to the ice rink but now with Haerin clutching his arm tightly. It was tricky for Haerin as she almost tripped down but managed to stop herself from falling.

"It didn't look scary when you did it!" Haerin complained as she tries to stand properly, Sunghoon laughed and helped her.

"Ice skating takes a lot of practice, Haerin. But for now, just slide your one foot forward after the other." Sunghoon said firmly, beginning to teach her. Haerin did the exact way how he moves his feet, starting to become better.

"That's it." Sunghoon said. Haerin giggled when she moved faster, and Sunghoon finds it cute.

Gently, Sunghoon removed his hand from Haerin to let her skate on her own. Haerin looked at him, giving a scared smile.

"It's okay. I'm going to stay behind you."

Sunghoon said, reassuring her.

Haerin glides her feet little by little until she can finally move smoothly.

'Please tell me I'm doing it.' Haerin pleaded in her mind. She smiled and felt proud of herself once she realized she's ice skating, on her own.

Her smile even grew wider when she heard Sunghoon applauding for her. Haerin laughed and liked the feeling. Although it didn't last long when Haerin lost control and eventually fell on the ice. Sunghoon's eyes widened and immediately made his way to the girl who landed on the ice.

"Ouch!" Haerin hissed.

"Are you okay?" Sunghoon asked as he helped her get up again. Haerin nodded, but the pout was visible on her face. Sunghoon smiled at her cute reaction.

"Do you still want to skate for a few more minutes or should we go now?" He asked.

"I still wanna skate though, but I'm hungry." She replied, causing the male to chuckle.

"Alright, let's get off the ice." He said and skated back to the bench, intertwining their hands together.


Watch the I-land Behind
where he ice-skated :D

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