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Third person.

It was six pm. He's again on the ice, skidding through the whole rink with a rapid speed. To end his so-called 'performance', he does one last jump and lands well. He then stops his movement and slows down.

"Well done, Sunghoon."

"Thanks, coach." Sunghoon nods with a smile. He gets out of the ice rink and changes his shoes, eager to finally go home.

He bid goodbye before leaving. As he reaches his car, he tiredly sits down on the driver's seat and took a minute to space out, until he got a notification that someone messaged him. A small grin plasters on his lips as he read it and starts the engine quickly, knowing someone was waiting for him at home.

It takes a twenty-minute drive from the ice rink to his condominium. When he arrives at the building, he parks his car in his designated space on the parking lot and steps out with his belongings. He is welcomed by the guard on duty, who is very much familiar with him.

Ding! The elevator stops on the right floor. He walks through the hall and halts in front of room 56. He successfully opens the door with the password.

Going inside, a loud bark came from a fluffy white animal that runs towards him.

"Hi, Gaeul. How are you?" Sunghoon coos at the smiling pup. He picks her up to pet her, as Gaeul seemed to miss him a lot even though he was only gone for a couple of hours.

Bringing her back down, he realizes how quiet it was. He was greeted with no hugs or kisses. But by the sight of her shoes and bag in the living room, she may be inside their bedroom.

Yeah, he's right.

His girlfriend is soundly asleep on the desk, head laying on her arm. Her laptop is on the side of the desk, along with the pile of books and pens.

Coming closer to his Haerin, he notices the small pout and a frown planted on her face, making him chuckle. Judging her condition, he knows she'll get uncomfortable later. So he carefully carries her by his arms and lies her on the bed, silently praying he didn't wake her up. Tucking her with the blanket, he stares at her sleeping figure and laughed when she snored. He places a kiss on her forehead and leaves the room to do what he gotta do.


Haerin wakes up after an hour or so. She rubs her eyes and was confused about why she was laying on the bed. The last time she checked she was completing another thesis but then fell asleep- which she wasn't supposed to.

"Is Sunghoon back?" Haerin mumbles to herself. She hazily stands up to look for him.

When she walks out of the bedroom, she hears the sound of music playing through the kitchen, quite loud because it plays on the speaker.

"Hoonie?" Haerin calls but gets no response. Although, she understands why when she enters the kitchen to see Sunghoon cooking.

Sunghoon doesn't cook often, but when he does, he's not too bad at all. Thankfully, he hasn't burned anything else since his first try.

Haerin tones down the music a bit, causing Sunghoon to turn around. They locked eyes with a smile before Haerin comes closer, earning a kiss on the crown of her head.

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