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Third person.

"I hate Mondays." Jay groaned, groggily walking into the school together with his friends.

"We get it, hyung. You say the same thing every Monday." Jungwon retorted as the others laughed at his playful remark.

"You're lucky you're younger than me." Jay glares at the shorter boy who laughed and apologized in return.

"Did anyone do something fun over the weekend?" Heeseung asked, bringing up another topic.

"Sleep." Jay answered dully.

"Oh of course." Sunoo rolled his eyes at Jay.

"We only went out on Saturday. Oh! And I saw Sunghoon hyung too." Ni-ki piped and pointed to Sunghoon, who abruptly stopped walking and faced him.

"Huh? Where?" Sunghoon asked the younger.

"Inside a fast food restaurant." Ni-ki answered with a little shrug.

"Didn't you see him back, Hoon?" Jake asked as all of them also stopped walking.

"I didn't. He didn't approach me or anything." Sunghoon answered, shaking his head. But he comes to realize that if this kid saw him, then that means...

Did Ni-ki see him with Lim Haerin?

"Because you were with a-" Before Ni-ki could finish his sentence, the bell rang and cut him off.

"Alright classes are starting kids, go to your classes now. Be good students and I'll see you later." Heeseung waved to the younger ones and left with Jay.

"When will he stop acting like a dad." Sunoo sighed jokingly and Sunghoon chuckled.

"Come on man, let's get to our class. Also you three." Jake swings his arm on Sunghoon and left while the younger ones bid goodbye and left the hallway.

Haerin was already in her seat, having a small conversation with Soojin. She slumped against her chair and stared at the widely opened door as more of her classmates came in. Seeing Sunghoon with his friend walk in, Haerin quickly sat properly and glimpsed outside the window for a moment. As she looked back, she met his eyes. They exchanged tiny waves and smiles before Sunghoon looked away.


Stepping out of the restroom and heading to the cafeteria where his friends are waiting for him, he felt his phone suddenly vibrate in his pocket. He took it out to see a message from Jungwon.

- Jung1

Sunghoon hyung!

Are you heading to the cafeteria

Yes, why?

Sunoo hasn't arrived here yet

Heeseung hyung said that if you see him then bring Sunoo too


The said boy wasn't that easy to find anywhere because the hallway was full of students. His eyes looked around but the sunshine boy was still unseen. One glance at the corner and there Sunghoon saw him, but not just him, Haerin too.

"Mr. Cha wanted to give this to you." Haerin handed a notebook to the boy who smiled in return.

"Thanks, uh..." Sunoo paused, waiting for the older girl to say her name.

"Haerin." She responded with her name.

"Thanks, Haerin!" Sunoo beamed and took the notebook in his arms.

"Sunoo-ssi, am I right? You're welcome. I-"

"Sunghoon hyung!" Sunoo saw Sunghoon slowly walking towards them. He yelled his name, too loud that caught the students' attention as well.

Haerin turned to look at him. She could have left by now but her body said otherwise. Instead, she stayed in her spot until Sunghoon was in front of him.

"Hi." Sunghoon came for Sunoo, but he greeted Haerin first.

"Hello." Haerin replied.

They shyly smiled before looking away from each other's gazes. Sunoo furrowed his eyebrows, curious if they know each other. Sunghoon barely even talks to anyone but the six of them, it's shocking how he made an exception.

'They're sus.' Sunoo thought and cleared his throat, Sunghoon and Haerin's attention going back to him.

"Right, Sunoo. Jungwon told me to look for you." Sunghoon said. Sunoo only replied to his statement with a nod, eyeing him then looked back to Haerin.

"You know Sunghoon hyung?" Sunoo asked Haerin, who nodded.

"Well, yeah." Haerin answered.

"We should go now, Sunoo." Sunghoon muttered, tucking the younger boy's sleeve. Sunoo nodded and was about to leave with Sunghoon when he stopped and faced Haerin one more time.

"Haerin-ssi! Do you wanna eat lunch with us?" Sunoo asked with beaming eyes, causing Sunghoon to make a questioning sound and looked down at him, while Haerin was taken aback.

Before Haerin could open her mouth to decline, Sunoo grabbed Haerin's wrist and also took Sunghoon's by his other hand. Sunoo with a mischievous grin hidden on his face runs to drag the two of them with him. The sunshine may look cute and all, but he's incredibly strong that Sunghoon wasn't able to stop him.

Haerin doesn't even know Sunoo, a teacher that she used to have classes with, only favored her to give a notebook to a boy named Kim Sunoo. But now she's getting dragged to the cafeteria to eat lunch with him and Sunghoon. Perhaps, he's just too friendly?


I'm getting dumber in
English bye.

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