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Third person.

It was another usual day for Haerin as she walked inside her school. Students were walking around the hallway making Haerin just want to go home and go back to sleep.

Haerin wasn't the popular type nor the smartest, she's just one of those normal students. She's got a pretty face and maintains high grades. She isn't a loner, she's close to many students, but the only person she considers as a 'friend' was her seatmate.

Heading to her locker, she could see students whispering about something as if there's a new topic in school to gossip about. She opened her locker to put her things inside, not aware of the two students beside her until she heard their conversation.

"Did you hear about the new student here in EN-HIGH?"

"Yeah, I saw him together with Sunoo-ssi and his friends."

"He's cute, not gonna lie."

"Hey Soojin, there's a new student?" Haerin asked them, Soojin being her seatmate (also her only friend).

"Yep, everyone's been talking about him." Soojin answered and Haerin nodded.

"I see, okay." Haerin smiled at them and walked off. She checked the time and realized her class will start soon. She doesn't have anything else to do so she decided to enter the classroom while it's still early.

Haerin walked inside and saw no one, for now. She sat on her seat which is in the middle row and placed her bag on the table. She reached for her phone and earphones to listen to some songs peacefully while waiting. Little by little, students were entering the room as well. Haerin ignored them and minded her own business.

Just as expected, the bell rang loudly and soon enough the hallway became less crowded. Soojin came in and sat beside her, giving a smile at Haerin.

Gasps were suddenly heard from her classmates when the teacher came in, with a new kid beside her. But Haerin still had her songs playing and her eyes were closed.

"Class listen up! A new student will be joining us for the rest of the school year, so please make sure to help him around and behave." Mrs. Hwang yelled, looking at every student till her eyes stopped on Haerin.

"Lim Haerin, please snap out of your thoughts and take your earphones away." Mrs. Hwang sternly scolded, raising her voice.

Haerin's eyes opened and quickly nodded as an apology. She sat up properly and put her phone and earphones back in her bag, without bothering to glance at the new student first.

"Alright, introduce yourself." Mrs. Hwang said to the new boy who has been standing awkwardly.

"Hello, I'm Park Sunghoon, nice to meet you all."

Haerin stopped whatever she was doing when she heard the familiar voice. Thinking she heard that voice somewhere, she slowly looked up to see the new student.

And oh boy, it was him.

Haerin's eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she looked at the boy, recognizing who he is. She knew he's exactly the guy she met at the coffee shop yesterday, and the guy who made her wash his jacket (that she did wash and is now inside her locker).

'Shoot, I still have to meet him later.' Haerin suddenly remembers and began to worry.

"You may take your seat next to Sim Jaeyun and I will start our discussion." Mrs. Hwang smiled at him as he bowed. Jake gladly waved his hand at his best friend and patted the seat next to him.

Haerin shooked her head and put her chin on the palm of her hand, striving to listen to the discussion and concentrate on the lesson, and not to Park Sunghoon.


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