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Third person.

"W-what me?!" She pointed herself as well.

"You're the girl from the coffee shop, aren't you?" Sunghoon raised his eyebrow at the girl in front of him.

"No...? I mean no!" Haerin responded and shooked her head rapidly.

Haerin's eyes start to look anywhere but Sunghoon's eyes and her left foot was tapping the floor various times. It was quite obvious that she's hiding something.

But what caught his eyes was the jacket she's gripping on tightly, his jacket.

"Oh really? Then isn't that mine?" Sunghoon asked again, pointing to the jacket she's holding.

Her gaze went down to what he was pointing as Haerin mentally slapped herself. She looked back at him and opened her mouth to say something but none came out, instead, she sighed.

Sunghoon wanted to laugh at her but stopped himself from doing so.

"Okay, I am! Here take it, it's clean already."
The poor girl sighed in defeat and handed it to him. Sunghoon took it from her grasp and checked to see if it's back from its color, it did though.

"You're good now sir? Okay bye." She bowed and tried to walk away, but before she could go, Sunghoon stopped her by grabbing her arm.

"Um nope." He shook his head and pulled Haerin back in front of him.

"What? Why not? What else do you want?!" Haerin asked, raising her voice.

"Aren't we supposed to meet at the coffee shop?" Sunghoon questioned her.

"To return your jacket, but I already returned it." She responded and removed her arm from his hold.

"But we're still going there." Sunghoon said crossing his arms, but the other just scoffed at him.

"For what? I still have things to do later." She resisted.


"It's none of your business Park Sunghoon."
Haerin rolled her eyes, not knowing she just said his name.

"Wait... how did you know my name already?" Sunghoon asked, leaning closer to her face. Haerin gulped at the sudden closeness and immediately backed away from him.

"Cause we're classmates." Haerin answered. She started to panic when Sunghoon kept on staring at her.

"We're classmates? Why didn't I see you a while ago?" He leaned back and raised his right eyebrow at her.

"How would I know?" Haerin asked back while Sunghoon chuckled at her attitude.

"Nevermind, but we're still going to that coffee shop." He grinned at her as Haerin groaned.





"Aish, fine! You're annoying." Haerin growled while Sunghoon just laughed at her.

"Great! Now let's go." Sunghoon said. Haerin had no choice anymore so she just followed him.

They walked together towards the gate quietly, but there was still a distance between them. Haerin can feel everyone's gaze on them. Of course, the students were curious why they're 'together already'.

"You know what? Let's walk faster." She whispered to Sunghoon, who barely heard what she said.

"Wha-" Sunghoon couldn't finish his sentence when the girl beside him dragged him by the strap of his bag.

Haerin let go of his bag when they reached outside and slowed her pace.

"What was that for?" The male asked with a little pant. Haerin sighed, shaking her head.

"Nothing, let's just go."


I decided to update since I still
have data-


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