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Third person.

Sunghoon entered his home, shivering because of the cold weather outside. He walked through the hallway and saw his mother in the living room, busy on her laptop.

"Sunghoon, you're here. Where have you been?" Mrs. Park noticed his presence and looked at her son.

"Uh, just somewhere." Sunghoon shortly replied. But because of that, his mother already knows where he went to.

"Let me guess, to the ice rink again?" She crossed her arms. Sunghoon nodded slowly, hanging his head low. His mother rolled her eyes and sigh disappointedly.

"I'll go to my room." Sunghoon simply said and didn't wait for his mother's response before going to his bedroom.

He jumped on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He laughed slightly to himself,
thinking about what happened a while ago. He couldn't forget the girl's face, especially her reaction.

"She probably thinks you're an arrogant person." He told himself and sighed, grabbing his phone from his pocket after.

A face call popped up on his screen as his phone starts to ring. It was from his friends, Jay and Jake, so he immediately accepts the call and both faces showed up on his phone screen.

"Sunghoon-ah!" Both of them shouted his name and laughed.

"Keep it quiet!" Sunghoon hushed but still smiled at them.

"We were only supposed to study, but it was too boring so we decided to add you to the call." Jay laughed and scratched his nape.

"There's so much homework to do! And Jongseong isn't helping me at all. EN-HIGH University is so stressing, I swear!" Jake whined as Jay scoffed when he heard his name.

"I thought you're the smartest of the three of us, Jake?" Sunghoon grinned at the Australian guy, who flailed his arms and slumped against his seat, giving up.

The three of them have been friends since 1st grade (Jay being in 2nd grade already), yet only Jay and Jake go to the same school, not Sunghoon.

"Still wishing you're in the same school with us." Jake sighed.

"Well... I'm moving to another school." Sunghoon announced, surprising his friends.

"Again?!" Both of his friends shouted at the same time with wide eyes, Sunghoon nodded.

"Good luck, bro." Jay jokingly shook his head, earning a snicker from Sunghoon.


Sunghoon headed to the kitchen to see his father who just arrived from work, and his mother setting up the table. As soon as his mom placed the food on the table, they start to eat silently.

"Right Sunghoon, I already know what school you'll move into." Mr. Park spoke and broke the unpleasant silence, Sunghoon secretly rolled his eyes before looking at his father.

"What school?" His mom asked.

"EN-HIGH University." He answered shortly.

Upon hearing his father's response,
Sunghoon choked on his food, making his parents look at him automatically and be worried. His mom gave him a glass of water as Sunghoon quickly drank it, coughing in return.

"Are you okay, Sunghoon?" His mother asked, patting his back gently.

"Yes, I'm okay, sorry. Dad, what school did you say?" Sunghoon asked, coughing for one last time.

"I said EN-HIGH-"

"Thank you!" Sunghoon beamed, suddenly punching the air.

"Oh?" His mom and dad were surely surprised by his reaction, they didn't expect to get this glad reaction from him.

"My friends are studying there, Jaeyun and Jongseong." Sunghoon uttered, making it clear for his parents.

"Oh, I see. Well, I hope they won't be another distraction for you once you enter that school." His dad stated seriously. Sunghoon's smile faltered, his expression changing in just a second.

"When will I start?" Sunghoon cleared his throat and asked.

Sunghoon expected it to be next week but...




Edit: Changing Hanlim Highschool
to 'EN-HIGH University' instead so
please don't get confused!

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