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Third person.

Haerin's class was finally dismissed and she can't wait any longer to go to the cafeteria. She fixed her things first before standing up, with Soojin doing the same thing.

"Haerin-ah, wanna eat lunch together?" Soojin suggested, nudging her. Haerin smiled at the idea and nodded.

"By the way, have you got yourself a partner for the dance yet?" Soojin asked her. Haerin was taller than her, so she had to look up to face her as they were walking.

"No, I don't even think I'm gonna have one." Haerin sadly sighed.

"I know, you and Sunghoon would be a perfect match- for the dance!" Soojin paused and immediately changed her sentence after getting a look from Haerin.

"Nah, that penguin guy probably got a partner already... or even a date?" Haerin muttered and clung to the other girl, their walking pace becoming too slow.

"Why? I heard he keeps rejecting everyone who just asked him to the dance. I even witnessed one of it a while ago." Soojin chuckled, slightly giving hope for someone who started pouting.

"Then what more if I ask him, he's also going to reject me!" Haerin whined.

"I doubt that." Soojin shook her head and patted Haerin's shoulder.

When Haerin detached herself from Soojin and stood up properly, she saw Sunghoon entering the cafeteria as well, being loud together with his friends. It was a new sight to see since normally the boy would be the calm one amongst his friends.

She obliviously smiled and was ignorant of the fact that she's been staring at him for too long (though Soojin and one of the guys might have noticed her).

'Okay, it's cute to see him like that though.' Haerin thought before composing herself and turning to the usual lunch lady.


Haerin plopped herself on the couch. She sighed loudly, earning the attention of her roommate who was only beside her.

"Is something bothering you?" Yejin asked. Haerin didn't budge and continued to sulk, slouching more on the couch.

The older girl rolled her eyes and grabbed the nearest pillow, only to surprisingly knock the girl with it.

"Stop! This is abuse!" Haerin screamed, using both of her arms to protect herself from the small pillow. Yejin laughed and stopped as Haerin fixed her hair and huffed.

"Stop looking sad, you're only getting uglier." Yejin said jokingly to make Haerin change her mood.

"So?" She waited for Haerin to finally speak up, preparing herself with the rants that were about to come out of her mouth.

"I don't have a partner for 'the dance' yet." Haerin started simply.

"You know, you would have already if you stop rejecting them!" Yejin deadpanned.

"I don't like them!" Haerin exclaimed.

"Stop being picky! You're just looking for someone to dance with." Yejin deadpanned again, making Haerin glare at her.

"Or, unless you want to have a date?" Yejin mischievously asked.

"No." Haerin shook her head.

"Then don't go anymore."

"I want to!"

"What about that Park Sunhoon? You guys are friends, right?" Yejin asked, remembering the guy Haerin talked about before.

"It's Sunghoon. Who the hell is Sunhoon?" Haerin corrected her.

"I really don't care but okay." Yejin responded nonchalantly.

"Anyway, no can do. I think he has a partner already." Haerin said.

"He told you?" Yejin questioned but didn't get a reply.

"You never know, you can still ask him about it." Yejin shrugged.

"And if he says no? I don't want that, it'll make things awkward." Haerin looked at Yejin as she spoke.

"It won't get awkward if you don't get affected by it." Yejin responded.

"I know it will." Haerin insisted on her point.

"Why? Do you have a crush on that guy?" Yejin asked straightforwardly, catching Haerin off guard. Her eyes widened and furrowed her brows because of Yejin's question.

"I don't! Why would you ask such things?" Haerin replied, earning a chortle from the other.

"Chill! Okay, you don't, so don't worry too much about it." Yejin chuckled while tying her hair up.

"You're no help." Haerin rolled her eyes and stood up.

"It's just dance night, Rin. You know you can still have fun there without dancing." Yejin stood up as well and patted her shoulder, before going to her room.


They just finished dinner and now Haerin's inside her room, sitting on the edge of her bed as she's about to go to the bathroom and wash up. The internet's stopping her though, and more so when a message popped up.

- Sunghoonnn

Heyyy Haerinn

Hi Sunghoon!

Do you need anything?


Haha yes

Can I copy your notes? :D


Pls 😭

I fell asleep during class


I tried but the mf didn't write
anything as well


[sent 4 photos]

Woah that fast-


I'll treat u tomorrow because of this

You better 🙄


Kidding, no thanks

I will don't worry ;)

Okay thank you

Good night 💛

Good night..

Haerin placed her turned off her phone and placed on the bed, but she still wouldn't get up. Instead, she had her mind thinking of him now, contemplating her decision.

Maybe she should try.


I'm so sorry for not updating, I
was just not in the mood 😭 But
I'll start updating more frequently
like before!

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