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Third person.

When the three of them finally saw the boys at the table, Haerin gulped and looked down. She couldn't look anywhere as some students' eyes were on her.

"We're here!" Sunoo said and he sat down between Ni-ki and Jay.

"You guys are late- oh..." Everyone (except Sunoo and Sunghoon) looked at the girl who was beside Sunghoon, both of them still standing like a statue.

"Well uh... I think I should go." Haerin whispered, she was nervous by the looks they were giving to her.

"Who is she?" Heeseung spoke.

"She's Haerin, Sunghoon hyung's friend. I invited her for lunch with us cause why not?" Sunoo answered.

"Guys, stop staring at her like that." Sunghoon said, noticing how she looked uneasy.

The awkwardness soon disappeared when everyone smiled at her warmly.

"Sorry for making you uncomfortable. Hi, I'm Jay." The oldest in the 02z spoke.

"I think you know me? We're in the same class, but yeah I'm Jake!" Jake said with a wide smile plastered on his face.

"I'm Heeseung. Those two over there are Ni-ki and Jungwon. You probably know Sunoo since guys came together." Heeseung chuckled.

"Are you guys gonna stand there until lunch is over?" Jay laughed and motioned them to sit down.

"Right." Sunghoon muttered as he sat down beside Heeseung. He pulled Haerin's hand to sit down beside him.

"Ah, you're the girl at the vending machine, right?" Jungwon suddenly spoke, earning a laugh and nod from Haerin.

"Yeah." She answered.

"Hm? What happened?" Sunoo asked.

"He just helped me get my drink since it got stuck." Haerin laughed, everyone nodded with a laugh as well.

"Wait, you don't have food yet." Sunghoon said as he looked at Haerin.

"Shoot, I'll be back to get something to eat." Haerin stood up, giving a slight bow before walking away.

Sunghoon looked back at his friends to see them all staring at him, well Sunoo's too busy eating.

"Friend... aye?" Jay raised his eyebrow and smirked.

"Yes, friend." Sunghoon retorted and rolled his eyes.

"I always see her in our class, but I didn't know you guys are friends." Jake said with wide eyes.

"She's pretty." Heeseung just stated, but all their heads turned to him, including Sunghoon who seemed fazed by his hyung's remark.

"Hey, I was just complimenting her! Hoon, don't get me wrong." Heeseung defended himself as he looked at Sunghoon.

"I'm didn't." Sunghoon replied, however, his change of expression wasn't unnoticed by them.

Haerin came back with a small smile and sat back to her seat beside Sunghoon, placing her tray of food on the table. She looked at everyone and knew they were talking about something, but she didn't ask.

"Tell us more about yourself!" Sunoo gushed at Haerin who looked back at him in confusion.

"Why?" Haerin asked, looking at them confusingly.

"Well, you seem cool. I think it's nice to be friends with you." Jay grinned.

"Uh, I'm Lim Haerin and... I'm 18? I'm in 11th grade, with Sunghoon and Jake-ssi." Haerin said the literal basic facts about her as there's no such interesting thing about herself.

"Please, you do not have to be formal with me." Jake scoffed with a laugh. Haerin chuckled embarrassedly.

"I didn't know you were older than me." Jungwon uttered.

"I don't look that young." She asserted.

"You actually do." Heeseung laughed, sipping on his juice box.

"See? I told you." Sunghoon grinned at her.

"By the way hyung- and noona, I heard there's an upcoming school festival?" Ni-ki suddenly announced at their table.

"I heard that too from my classmates." Sunoo interjected with a nod.

"Really? When?" Jake questioned, but only got a shrug of shoulders from the two.

"I don't know, I think they're currently planning on it." Ni-ki unsurely replied.

"School festivals are fun, each year we get different themes and lots of cool things happen during the event too." Haerin inserted and everyone were agreeing by nodding their heads.

"I wonder what theme-" Ni-ki was again, interrupted by the bell that started ringing.

"Why does it always have to ring when I'm about to say something." He sighed in annoyance.

Haerin quickly ate her last dumpling and stood up along with the others.

"Let's go to class together?" Sunghoon offered, getting a nod from Haerin.

"Yeah, that means I'll also go with you guys, right?" Jake asked.

"Of course." Haerin responded and giggled slightly.

"See you guys after school." Jungwon said and walked away with the others.

Haerin walked inside in her class with Jake and Sunghoon, and now, everyone's eyes were on them. Haerin was getting most of the death glares from the girls, and Sunghoon noticed it. She sat on her seat and sighed calmly as the two boys also sat down on their seats.

"Why were you with them?" One girl appeared at the back of Haerin and asked, with a not-so-happy look.

"Who?" Haerin tilted her head, her face showing quite a confusion by the girl's question but she knew what she meant.

"Jake and Sunghoon oppa, and the other boys too." The girl responded, clearly pissed off.

'Aren't you the same age as them?' Haerin wanted to ask, wanting to try to piss her further, but she doesn't want to make this conversation longer.

"Oh, they just invited me for lunch." Haerin answered.

"Ah, did you finally get their attention?" She asked again, the sarcasm in her voice was heard by Haerin.

"Shouldn't you ask yourself that?" Haerin fired back and caught her off guard.

Feeling offended, the girl stood up and aggressively went to her actual seat. Haerin scoffed and continued minding her own business. Thank goodness Soojin walked in not long after.


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