Chapter | 29√

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Happy new month! As you all know, it's February, the month of love, so don't hesitate to share that love among family, peers, lovers, and me as well, by voting and commenting😉. Wishing you all the best.

Oh, don't forget to check out my other books. Best of Enemies and Aliana The Mermaid

Enjoy! Hopefully

Nadia finally found the section Lloyd was at, after checking through every other section of the library. It was the same section she had met with Jace and she wondered why the universe kept pulling her back there.

She paused at the entrance, when she saw Lloyd at the table, his crossed legs propped on the table as he leaned back on his chair, throwing a ball of electricity in the air. He was the only one in this section and that was something she was not happy with. She took a deep breath and walked towards him, their last encounter still fresh in her mind.

Lloyd looked at her through lazy eyelids, when she sat across him. “I got your message, why did...”

He interrupted her, “I know what you are.”

Nadia showed her shock before she quickly covered it, “What are you talking about?”

He threw the ball in the air and then caught it. “I know that you're an ability shifter.”

She tried to deny it. “I don't know what you're talk-”

“Lie to me one more time and I won't hesitate to throw this ball at you,” his voice was dangerously low.

She immediately clamped her mouth shut. She knew not to joke with him after he almost choked her to death at their last encounter.

“Alright, so? what do you want?” she finally asked.

He ignored her question. “ I also know that that thing gave you a key to a diary.”

“Yeah?” she drawled, confused, wondering where he was going with this.

“I have the diary,” he announced and her eyes widened in surprise and glee.

“Where is it?!” she almost screamed.

He gave her an annoyed stare. “keep your voice down, trust nobody remembers.”

She gave him a look. “And that's not supposed to include you?”

Lloyd glared at her. He dropped his legs from the table and made the energy of his ball go back into him. He took a blue coloured book from the chair beside him - a book Nadia hadn't noticed before - and placed it in the middle of the desk.

She reached out to take the book but he shifted it closer to him. “Not so fast.”

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

He smirked. “I will only give you this book if you get something for me.”

Nadia felt herself getting irritated, but tried not to show it, not to get him angry. “What do you want?” she almost snapped, then added afterwards, “how do I know it's the diary I need?”

He pointed at a symbol drawn on the book, which was a bloodied skull with chains wrapped around it, and red petals around it. “This symbol is also on the key.”

She pulled out the key and true to his words, the symbol was drawn on it, she sighed. “Alright, what do you want?”

“I want the demon's pendant,” he demanded.

Nadia threw her hands up in exasperation. “And where am I supposed to get that?”

He gave her a sly smile. “I think we both know where you can get that.”

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