Chapter | 37√

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There were shouts of protest coming their way and Nadia looked around to see the enemy dragging the students back to where they were with their hands behind their backs. They had placed a metal device on one of their ankles, which was neutralizing their powers.

The students gave way, leaving enough space for the helicopter to land. The bald-haired man and Ahryan stepped down from the helicopter along with Nurse Anya.

Nadia's mouth parted in surprise. "Nurse Anya?"

Nurse Anya turned to stare at her but said nothing. The bald man stepped forward and regarded the students with a cool gaze.

"Good evening students. My name is As-"

"You!" Faryal raged forward, but was quickly held back by Makena. "What have you done to my cousin?!"

Makena pulled her to her side and held her tightly. "Faryal, not now!" she hissed.

"As I was saying," the man carried on as if Faryal hadn't spoken at all. "My name is Asole Dickson, I am in charge of this Cause. We are working on an army to overthrow the human government. We have been getting vials of supernatural blood and injecting them into the humans, turning them into our weapons."

"So you're the one who has been taking our friends and families!" a boy screamed from the crowd.

"Yes, for the greater cause and they are safe."

"I don't believe you, you attacked us and blew up our home!" The same boy spat.

"We had no other choice. The organization was to be kept secret until we were ready to take over from the weaker race. But I got information that some kids had already found out," he gave Nadia and Lloyd a pointed look. Their group turned to them in puzzlement, "and they were ready to go running their mouth to the school authority, who in turn would tell the supernatural council, we couldn't let that happen, you see. They would have jeopardized our plan.

Now the school is gone, if there were any means of communication in there, it is gone. Come with us, trust me, it is for the greater good. We just need vials of your blood and that's all. Do you get me?"

Leia snorted aggressively. "All I'm getting is a bunch of bullshit. You must be nuts if you think we are going to go with someone who blew up our school and attacked us. There were people still in that building."

"Well, I guess the world is for those who are fast and strong. As for the attack, my people were only defending themselves."

Leia's mouth dropped open. "You attacked us first!" she accused.

Asole cocked his head. "Did we?"

"You dirty son of a..."

She was interrupted by Faryal, "What did you do to my cousin and Nurse Anya," she demanded, glaring fiercely at him.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing," he casually responded.

"You got them under a spell. Ahryan would never do something like this. Release them or they will be hell to pay."

Ahryan stepped forward, his eyes void of any emotion. "I am under no spell. Mr. Dickson had promised us the world. This is for a greater cause."

"Oh shut up!" Lloyd spat. "I am tired of you fools sounding like a broken record. So you also killed a girl for this greater cause, huh?"

"Anna was in the way, she had to go. She was this close to sabotaging our plans,"
Ahryan simply said.

"So you are A?" Nadia asked. She already knew, but she just needed to hear it from his mouth.

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