Chapter | 10√

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Nadia opened her eyes that she had been closing to see Jace grinning down at her.


She saw a pair of large black wings with red tips flapping behind him. He wasn't moving but he kept them up in the sky, carrying her bridal style in his arms.

Nadia looked down and she immediately regretted it, fear gripped her and she tightened her arms around his neck, pushing closer, if possible. They were high up in the sky and the trees looked small, too small.

She gulped, then steadied her voice making sure it won't come out shaky, and sternly said, "You! What are you doing? Let me down! Right now!"


She breathed in, trying to keep her heart rate steady. She was too far from the soil. "Let me down! Right now!"

He flashed her a smile, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Are you sure?"

She nodded her head.

"Alright, If you say so."

She smiled in relief only for her eyes to widen in fear when he let go of her and she found herself falling.

She screamed and desperately held a hand out for Jace to help her but he was just staring amusingly at her, his hands folded across his chest. She began flailing her hands, desperately trying to fly.

Is this how I'm going to die?

She was a few meters away from the ground and she closed her eyes accepting her fate. She would make sure to torment Jace and Leia when she was gone.

She was about to collide with the ground when someone caught her. She opened her eyes to meet Jace's amused ones. She thrashed around in his arms and he let her go.

Immediately she was set back down, she punched him hard on his chest but he didn't even flinch instead her knuckles started to ache.

Nadia's pounding heart calmed down. "You almost killed me! God!”

He gently took one of her hands in his and brushed his thumb over the knuckles which were bruised due to her punching that tree. She tried to pull her hand away and he tightened his grip but not to the point that it hurts.

"They are bruised," he said, his brows furrowed.

“It's your fault your face is made of titanium," she murmured.

He ignored her and made his thumb smoky before running it over her knuckles, he did the same for the other hand. When he was done, the bruises were gone, not even a scar left.

"Wow, how did you do that?" she asked, somewhat amazed.

He shrugged. "Is some of the defaults the demons here have, we have the power to heal but in return, an amount of time in our life is extracted."

"So how much time, did this extract?" she asked, concerned

"Nothing much, small things like this require a minute or two. It's no big deal, I have thousands of years."

Nadia furrowed her brows. "I thought demons are immortals?"

"The ones here aren't."

"Why are you different from the ones in hell?"

He started moving forward and she followed, walking beside him. "As I said, we are the creations of Satan that went wrong, so we were cast out."

Nadia softly said, "This must be hard, being rejected by your father."

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and gave her a cocky smile. "I like it here, the respect and fear. I mean, we are the dominant species of all the supernatural."

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