Chapter | 44.1√

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It was at lunchtime when everyone would be escorted out of the cells to the lunch room that the team put their escape plan into action. Freya and Jace walked together from their original block; block A through the other blocks. When they got to block C - which housed the entrance leading to the hellhound's space- their eyes caught with that of Anthony and he gave a quick nod.

Jace eyed the guards subtly and when he saw that their attention was elsewhere, he created a thin shadow whip and sneakily used it to strike a prisoner's àss. The prisoner jumped and swiveled to face the person beside him.

“Why the fuck did you do that?” the victim roared.

The other guy snarled, “What the hell are you talking about?”

The victim's lips curled and he shoved the other guy, who slammed into another prisoner, and both crashed into another prison mate. When the three recovered, it turn into a fistfight between them with their friends joining them. It soon became a full-out brawl and other prisoners joined in to vent their frustration.

The first phase of their plan was achieved when the guards guarding the entrance to the hall leading to the hellhounds ran to help their teammates stop the fight.

Anthony's eyes met with that of a blue-haired girl across the hall. Minty transformed into a black mamba, she slithered into the mass and transformed back behind the guard with the room keys. Jace got into the brawl trying to avoid punches as he made his way over to minty. She gave him the items and he quickly slid them into his uniform.

Jace got out of the crowd and headed for Freya. The camera rotated to the side and they used that moment to head for the entrance. The way to the room was free of guards because they probably never thought that anyone would attempt this.

When Jace and Freya for to the door, they walked quickly in rubbing the chemicals all over themselves.

Freya while still applying the chemicals, asked, “But why will the hellhounds attack you? Aren't you like their brethren or something?”

Jace paused looking at her. “Any demon cast out of my Father's abode is no brethren to them. I'm as much as bait as everyone else.”

Growling and snarling could be heard inside the room as Freya tried key after key. She finally found the right one and unlocked the door. She pulled it open and took a step back, ten monstrous dogs with black fur and glowing red eyes prowled out of the room causing the two to step back slowly. The beasts took a sniff of the air and recoiled back as if perceived something fowl. Giving Jace and Freya one last glance, they bounded past them and through the entrance door.

“Let's get out of here,” Jace said.

After doing their best to go unnoticed by the cameras, they finally got to the bathroom and as they waited for the others to get there, Jace worked on trying to disable their chips.

The bathroom was the only place they could build the tunnel without the guards noticing as they weren't any cameras installed there. It was divided into several stalls; each one shared by multiple prisoners and the bear shifter as intimidating as he was, was able to snatch a permanent stall that both he and Anthony shared. They spent half of their shower time creating the tunnel with the aid of the bear shifter's strength and Anthony's rare power.

“Hey,” Anthony called as he and the others rushed into the room. “Have you got it yet?” he asked as he stood beside Jace.

“Let me see,” he collected it from Jace and within three minutes he has done it.

Anthony asked Jace, “How long till the serum used in blocking your teleportation powers wears off?”

“Not too long from now, I had my last dose this morning and my next one will be after lunch,” Jace said.

“We gonna need it when we're out of here. let's hurry, it won't be long before they round up the hellhounds and notice we are missing.”

With that said, the bear shifter moved the slab of concrete hiding the tunnel and in they proceeded.

They ran through the tunnel with Freya and Jace leading the way, their hands lit with fire. The gang finally came to the end of the tunnel and got out. They look back, the organization was nowhere in sight, and they were a few meters away from it as planned.

They stood there for a moment, relishing the feeling of being free.

Freya's face broke into a grin. “Colours, so many colours!” she cried in joy, taking in all the different varieties of shrubs and flowers.

Anthony walked over to Jace. “Do you think you can teleport us out of here now?” he asked hopefully.

Jace never answer because they were interrupted by a moan of pain from the bear shifter.

“Eddy,” Minty breathed as they all stared in shock at the arrow protruding through his chest.

Eddy fell with a thud and that's when everything went downhill.


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