Chapter | 30√

77 8 14

Happy Valentine's day❤

Song - Savage love (Jason Derulo)

Nadia took a few steps back as Bryan walked into the room, closing the door behind him but not bothering to lock it, he knew she couldn't get past him.

"What are you doing here?" he was deathly calm.

"I-I came to see Jace," she stuttered out, avoiding looking at him.

"Is that so?"

"But I will be going now!" she rushed out, going to walk past him but he stepped in her way. Nadia looked at the room panicking, looking for a way to escape.

"Why do you have Jace's pendant?" he asked.

She hesitated. "He gave it to me."

"He gave it to you?" He repeated, clearly not believing her.

She nodded and looked down. Oh Almighty, if you can hear me, please help.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you," he calmly ordered, but she refused to look up.

"I said look at me when I'm talking to you!" his voice boomed and Nadia jumped in fright, her heart beating fast as she looked up at him.

"Now tell me, why would he give it to you?" the murderous look in his eyes, betrayed the calmness of his voice.

"I-I wanted to c-check it out so he gave it to m-me. He just went to get some water."

"But you were leaving. Why?"

Oh Lord, please stop him from asking all these questions.

"Uh...em, he was taking so long and I had other things to attend to, that's why I was leaving."

"With his pendant?"

She didn't respond

Bryan's eyes narrowed and he clenched his fists. "You are a very bad liar," he spat.

"Huh?" was all she could manage, he had seen through her lies. This suddenly felt like déjà vu.

He took a step towards her and she told one back. Nadia hoped this doesn't result in a fight, for Bryan looked like he wasn't letting her go anytime soon. She still had the element of fire in her and didn't want to use it, she knew couldn't beat him even if she tried it. She glanced back at the window. If she had earth she would have gotten out but she had the feeling that Bryan would come after her.

Nadia tried to figure out a way out of this. "Look, you can keep it. I will just be going," she made to walk out but Bryan again stepped in her way.

"Not until you tell me why you had it," Bryan demanded.

"I told you..."

He interrupted her, "Don't lie to me, for you won't like what I will do to you."

"I'm not lying!" she yelled, frustrated.

Before she could blink, she was up in the air. A shadow-like Anaconda wrapped around her, baring its fangs at her, causing Nadia to scream.

Bryan folded his arms over his chest and said, "You better start talking. If I ask you a question and you lie or hesitate, it's going to squeeze you so hard, you will feel your bones popping. So let's start again, how did you get the pendant?"

She hesitated. The anaconda started squeezing. She didn't concede until she felt pressure on her bones. "I distracted him and stole it!" the anaconda's hold loosened just a bit.

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