Chapter | 15√

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Principal Victoria had respect and was in awe of the man seated right in front of her.

A man in his late thirties sat before the principal, with his left ankle propped on his right knee. He was a man with lean muscles, black hair, and bright blue eyes.

He was dressed in an expensive Armani suit and pants, finished with shiny black cover shoes. His also ridiculously expensive cologne was pleasantly wafting through the air. He was practically screaming money.

This man was known as Misha Maksimillian, the third great-grandson of Leonid Maksimillian and today's owner of the ForestLands Institution that resides in Russia.

After several calls from the principal claiming that there was an important issue to discuss, he was able to make time out of his busy schedule to come by.

Principal Victoria was telling him about the recent happenings in ForestLands. “So I was thinking that we should tighten the security and get the high witches to strengthen the barrier around the area. As for the someone that I saw, we could get the security to search the area.”

With a smooth, silky voice like honey, the man said, “Miss smith, these missing students that you just talked about, have probably not gone missing but instead, had run away. We have been having issues of students trying to get past the barrier for years.”

“Yes sir. Probably, that means we shouldn't just guess anything. We should at least look for them and...”

“Miss Smith,” he coldly interrupted her. “I'm not going to waste my time to arrange for people to find a bunch of kids who ran away. As for the searching of the cloaked figure and the strengthening of the barrier, I will arrange for that.”

The principal was surprised about him not being bothered about the 'missing' students. “Shouldn't you at least still try for the kids? I mean you should be worried about your school.”

Misha Maksmillian gave her a ferocious glare that almost made her flinch. “As you said, this is my school. So let me make all the decisions. I think I will be going now, I have other matters to attend to.”

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation.

Earlier on, Nadia went to the nurse's office after classes but there was another person there and they informed her that nurse Anya had traveled and would probably be back after a week.

She was sad and hurt. Sad because she was already finding a mother figure in her, someone with who she could tell all her problems but now that she's going to be gone for a while, who will she go to when she wants to talk?

She was hurt because the nurse didn't care enough to inform her. Nadia then decided to talk about this change in her ability to the principal. She went to the principal, knocked then walked in.

She immediately regretted not asking for permission first, when she saw the guest. “Sorry,” she immediately apologized. “I didn't know you have a visitor,” she made to leave but the principal stopped her.

“No, it's okay,” She then gestured to the man before them. “Nadia, this is Misha Maksimillian, he's the owner of Forestlands and one of the greatest Sensers to ever exist. I'm sure you've heard of him.”

Nadia smiled politely at the man. “Nice to meet you, sir, I'm Alexandra Crawford, but they call me Nadia.”

Her eyes strayed down and she noticed the expensive shoes he was putting on.

I will be a millionaire for a year if I get those shoes.

When she looked back up, she noticed he was staring intently at her like he was trying to figure out something. Seconds later, his eyes widened in surprise, confusion, and awe.

He turned to the principal and said, “I thought they were extinct, why didn't you tell me about her.”

The principal replied, confused. “I don't understand.”

“Her kind.”

The principal was still confused and so was Nadia. “What do you mean sir? She's an earth Elementalist, the school is filled with them.”

Mr. Maksimilian looked from the principal to Nadia then back to the principal. “You don't know.”

“You've got us confused here, sir,” the principal replied.

The man let out one of his rare laughs. “We have got an Ability Shifter here, Miss Victoria.”

“What,” the principal exclaimed, getting up from her seat and walking around her desk to them. “I thought they were extinct.”

“I thought so too.”

Nadia was still confused and she voiced that out.

Mr. Maksimillian clarified, “You are an ability shifter. A supernatural that can mimic any power they want. You just have to touch someone to mimic their power.”

“Just to be clear, you're saying that I'm not an Elementalist.”

“No kid. You're an ability shifter.”


A figure dressed in a ForestLands uniform stood in a dark office, facing a man who was seated in a chair with his back turned towards him.

“Do you have any information?” the man seated asked in a gruff voice, still not bothering to face the other person in the room.

“Yes, it's about this new girl; Alexandra Crawford. I've been monitoring her for a while now. She claims to be an earth Elementalist but after she attacked two students, some days ago and I noticed her eyes turned silver instead of green, I started to observe her.

Three days ago, I heard her telling the nurse that she lost her ability, and today when I went to eavesdrop on the principal and Misha, she happened to be there. Misha being the great Senser that he is, revealed that she's not an Elementalist but in fact, an ability shifter.”

“Hmm,” the man hummed, trying to process the information.

The figure spoke again, “And the cloak you gave me is starting to fail, it's losing its invisibility. A student almost caught me yesterday, I had to escape real fast. It was a close call.”

“Give Selene to fix it for you,” the man ordered. “Try to get closer to the girl and maybe get something that is a part of her, as well.”

The figure smirked. “I already did. I stole her comb, it has strands of her hair. I already delivered it to the lab.”

The man let out a burst of booming laughter. “Very good kid, you move faster than I thought. It's a good thing I made you my spy,” he praised

The figure grinned, feeling good that they made the man proud. “Another one of our own has been monitoring our school too without your permission. Misha is planning on tightening the security because of the missing students and the other spy.”

“I see. I didn't hire another spy, I will look into that. But as for now, we lay low. No more kidnapping of the students, these are enough for now but still keep an eye on the girl. They are going to be relaxed now and when they least expect it, we strike again.”

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