Chapter | 33√

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Guess who's back. Meeeee! That's right! I just got done with my exams yesterday, and I was able to put down my ideas quickly and create this chapter. Looking forward to your votes and hopefully comments.

The next chapter might come late because I think I've been mixing up time events in this story. So I quickly want to reread the other chapters before I post the next one.

I guess you can go ahead and read it now. Love you guys❤

15th October 2020.

Dear Diary,

You won't believe it, A asked me to be his girl today! It was so, oh my God, it was out of this house. I can't even explain it. He sent a letter to me through Genna asking me to come to the woods. At first, I hesitated, I mean it was late in the night! Like really really late. I had to fly! Through my window to get out and I was new to this!

Well anyways, let's get to what happened. A stuck notes on trees to lead me to where he was. The last note lead me to a small clearing, there were jars of fireflies being hung on the trees. I kind of pitied the insects. Poor things. A had set up a table in the middle with a plate of French fries, burgers, chips, and yogurt. It was something simple that he definitely stole from the cafeteria. But it was really sweet and at that moment I knew that A had stolen my heart and I didn't want it back.

A was looking as handsome as well. Lithe with those brown eyes gazing down at me as we danced to the music playing in our hearts. It was so amazing and yet I couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching.

"I seriously don't understand. What exactly are we looking for in this diary? Are we supposed to look for this A boy or Anna?" Nadia asked frustrated, interrupting their reading.

"I asked Seth to find a way to get me a copy of the list of the missing students from the principal office because I suspected that the Anna girl might be among them. She was among them and got missing four weeks before now. Maybe this guy had something to do with it or knows something about it," Lloyd replied.

"So are we supposed to look for him? Or maybe Genna?"

"Genna got missing the day after Anna disappeared," Lloyd replied. "As for A, we only know that he is lithe, and has brown hair and brown eyes. He is funny and smart according to Anna but a lot of people have these qualities. The boy's name either starts with A, has the letter A in the middle, or at the end or maybe a syllable of his name sounds like A. So this is getting us nowhere."

"Why are you helping me?" Nadia blurted out.

Lloyd gave her an irritated look. "I'm not helping you. I'm planning on working as a detective for the supernatural after I graduate. Solving this complicated case is just a chance to show my ability to everyone. This is for me, not you," he said firmly.

Nadia pursed her lips.

She decided to read further.

I told Genna about it, but she wasn't happy as I thought she would be. She claimed she didn't fully trust him and it was too early to get into a relationship. Like seriously, A and I have known each other for like two weeks now. What's her problem? She's probably jealous because no boy had asked her out throughout her stay here, they're probably scared she would vaporize them to dust if they make her angry. Haha. Well anyway, I don't need her permission to date whoever I want!

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