Chapter | 35√

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Lloyd was sent flying through the air by a  ball of smoke from Jace. He slammed a nearby tree and fell facedown with a pained grunt.

“Jace!” Nadia called out to him when he walked past her but he completely ignored her.

When Jace reached where Lloyd was struggling to get off the ground, he jacked Lloyd up by the collar and headbutted him, causing him to go sailing through the air for the second time. He landed roughly on the ground and rolled a few times.

When Nadia was younger, she had wished for the day when charming boys would fight over her and she would feel special. But now she was horrified and she knew if she didn't act fast, Jace was going to kill Lloyd.

Nadia picked up a small rock and threw it at Jace. It knocked his head, causing Jace to turn towards her with s furious look on his face. That was the distraction Lloyd needed to get back on his feet and direct lightning at Jace through the palm of his hand.

It didn't get to Jace as expected. Jace disappeared at the very last minute and it struck a tree, setting it on fire. He began striding towards Lloyd, but Nadia quickly stepped in his way.

“Get out of my way Alexandra,” his voice was deathly calm.

“What are you doing here Jace?”

“Get. Out. Of. My. Way,” he said through gritted teeth.

“Were you following me? Please don't get me angry Jace, just go away.”

“Tell me. What did I see right now? Was it really what it was or did he force himself on you?”

She hesitated and glanced back at Lloyd who had sat up, observing keenly what was going on. Why isn't he getting away? the fool.  “No,” she finally said. “He didn't force himself on me.”

A low growl slipped past his lips and he went to step side her, but she moved with him, spreading her moves to block his way more.

“I'm not going to let you hurt him any longer,” she said, stubbornly.

He glanced at Lloyd and then back at her. His eyes narrowed. “I see, so when you're done with me, you go to him right?”

“What are you insinuating?”

“Oh, you very well know what I'm saying.”

Nadia was getting agitated. “I don't see why you're acting this way. You're not my father, nor my brother and you're certainly not my boyfriend. I can hang out with whoever I want!”

Jace's eyes were hard and unforgiving when he said this, “So this is what you do. You go around kissing guys. So tell me how many guys have you kissed, and do they also involve your male friends,” he reached out to grab her left wrist tightly. Nadia was staring at him in shock. “Answer me you cheap whore.”

His head snapped to the side from the force of Nadia's slap. Jace slowly turned to her, his jaw clenching.

Nadia wrenched her hand from his grip, her eyes brimming with angry tears. “How dare you think you can talk to me like that. What is wrong with you Jace? I never thought you would say something like this. I hate you with everything in me!”

She walked past him and then stop, having forgotten something. She turned back around and went to Lloyd. Nadia helped him up, she slung one of his arms around her shoulder for support and proceeded to walk of the forest, not sparing Jace a single glance.

When they got out of the forest, she removed his arm from her shoulder and furiously walked away, leaving him to find his way back. Lloyd stared after her and smirked, then he looked back at the forest where they had left Jace and chuckled.

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