Chapter | 26√

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Lloyd stood in that cool, collected manner of his. He was still in his school uniform, wearing a black beanie, and black ankle boots with his gloved hands buried in his trousers pockets.

"What are you doing here?" he asked. "The principal said not to step into the woods." 

She quickly thought of an excuse. "Just taking a walk," then she asked, "What are you doing here?"

He shrugged. "Following you."

Nadia was taken aback, that was unexpected. "Following me? B_but why?"

"Last night, during your talk with the outsider. I was on the tree above you. I heard everything and saw everything."

"I still don't get why you're following me."

"I also want to know about the missing students. I know that outsider talked to you, though he wasn't speaking out loud and tonight, from my window, I saw you coming here, so I followed you."

"I don't even know if his is alive, Jace probably burnt it to death last night."

"I followed him after your boyfriend set it on fire, it jumped into a stream and swam to the other side," Lloyd told her.

"First of all,  Jace isn't my boyfriend, and secondly..."

"Wait," he interrupted her.

Nadia's face contorted into a frown. "You know, that was just rude."

"Just be quiet," he harshly said. "I saw something."

He took some steps past Nadia and scanned the area before letting sparks dance at his fingertips. "Show yourself," he demanded.

There was some rustling from the rose bush behind them and they quickly spun around. They walked towards it, Nadia stretched forth her good arm in an attempt to part the bush, when something jumped out of it, over them, and took off running.

Nadia could see his bony fingers, for he was without his cloak and immediately knew it was him. Lloyd immediately went after him, Nadia following suit.

Despite the fact that the outsider was malnourished, he was fast, weaving past trees and trying to throw them off his trail. When he noticed they were getting closer, he stopped before a tall tree and quickly climb up and hid in the leaves.

The two stopped before the tree. "Please come down, we just want to talk," Nadia pleaded.

No response.

"I'm going up," Lloyd said, before starting to climb the tree. He was on the third branch when he suddenly grabbed his head and screamed, falling off the tree.

Nadia ran over and helped him up. "What happened?" she asked.

Lloyd's head was pounding. "Damn thing was trying to get to my head," he said through gritted teeth.

Lloyd looked up at the tree, furious. He stretched forth his palm, directing it towards the top of the tree and lightning shot out of his hand.

Nadia's eyes widened, as the top of the tree lit up in flames, this could cause a wildfire. The figure climbed down the tree and stared at them, his glowing blue eyes filled with fear.

"Listen, we are sick and tired of this cat-and-mouse chase," Lloyd said and took q step forward, "You better tell us about the missing students or I swear I..."

Nadia came up to him and grabbed his arm, turning him to face her. "You not helping!"

"Not helping, you say?" he yelled back, yanking his arm from her hold, towering over her and trying to intimidate her, but Nadia was not fazed.

"I'm the one who knew he was close to us, back there! I'm the one who was quick to take off after him while you stood there staring! I'm the one who got it to get down the damn tree!"

"The tree you set up on fire!"

He clicked his finger and the fire went
Off. "It came from me, I can turn it off and I was going to."

Nadia huffed. "Whatever," she turned her attention back to the figure, only to see it was gone.


"What!" he snapped, still very angry.

"He's gone."

Lloyd swiveled and true to her words, he was gone. "Goddammit," he swore, running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"This is all your fault," Nadia mumbled.

"Sorry?" his attention was back on her, wondering if he had heard her clearly.

"This is all your fault," she said loudly this time, her eyes wide with fury.

She continued, "He didn't come out when I called because he knew you were there! he ran because of you! If you hadn't followed me here, he would have talked to me! But no, Boys just have to ruin everything, don't they?"

She was up in his face, getting saliva all over him. Lloyd clenched his jaw and closed his eyes, when he opened them, they were shining blue, sparks dancing in them.

It was a sign for her to stop but she carried on anyways. "Like the maniac you are! You just had to behave like some rabid dog and..."

His fingers were around her throat, squeezing tightly, preventing her from finishing her statement. Nadia's eyes went wide, this was the second time this was happening to her but this time around, it was her fault. She desperately clawed at his hand, her eyes silently begging him to release her.

Now he was the one all up in her face. "No you listen and listen carefully, I'm not your demon boyfriend that you can speak to anyhow. I'm going to let you go, but consider this a warning. If you ever open your stinking mouth to insult me again, I will kill you and nobody will bat an eyelid," he sneered.

"Am I clear?" he stressed. Nadia managed to nod her head, staring at him with bulging eyes.

He released her and she immediately took a step away from him gasping desperately, trying to get as much air into her lungs. Lloyd stared at her for a while before walking away. Nadia rubbed her neck while watching his retreating figure until he was out of sight.

This guy has serious anger issues

Thanks for the 500+ reads! it really means a lot😁😁🤗😚😘❤

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