Chapter | 31√

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Nadia walked into the Library, dragging her feet on the ground as a zombie would do. She looked up at Lloyd who was busying himself with making aeroplanes out of old newspapers and she quickly wiped her tears before walking over to the table.

Nadia sat down across from him and set the pendant on the table, before sliding it over to him. "I got it, now give me the diary."

Lloyd brought out the diary and instead of giving it to her, he took the pendant from the table and turned the book to the back. There was a wide circular hole at the back and Lloyd placed the pendant in it. Nadia watched in shock as the drawing at the front cover- which was the skull with the chains around it - started twisting and forming a keyhole. Lloyd removed the pendant and tossed it over to her, which she quickly caught. He then slides the diary over to her.

"Wait, that's it?" Nadia asked shocked.

"Yeah," Lloyd replied, going back to making an aeroplane. "You can give your boyfriend back his pendant now."

Nadia felt all that pent-up frustration come back up and Lloyd was the nearest person she could vent it on. "You just needed it to unlock the stupid diary, not for personal reasons?! If you had just told me that, I would have taken the diary with me and told Jace that I just wanted to unlock the diary I found in the library and..."

She was cut off by Lloyd throwing a small ball of electricity at her. Fortunately, she ducked and it hit the wall behind her, Nadia turned around to see a huge portion of the wall was black and smoking.

"Are you crazy?!" she cried out.

Lloyd raised an eyebrow. "You want me to throw another one?"

Nadia let out a breath of disbelief, staring at him horrified. What is wrong with this guy?

The door to that section opened and the librarian, who had confronted Nadia and Jace earlier that week, came marching in. "What's going on here?" she demanded.

Her gaze landed on Nadia first and her eyes narrowed. "You again?" then she moved to Lloyd and her eyes widened.

"Sorry sir," she apologized and for like the hundredth time again, Nadia was rendered shocked and speechless. The librarian's eyes moved to Nadia and she eyed her. "I didn't know it was you. Is she causing you trouble? I would have her dealt with imme-"

Lloyd interrupted her, "Get out. You interrupted our conversation. Do you want to get fired?"

The librarian's eyes filled with fear and she quickly shook her head. "No sir," she cast Nadia one dirty look and quickly scurried out of the section.

Nadia turned back to Lloyd, mouth wide open. Who was Lloyd exactly?

Lloyd graced her with a lazy smirk. "Close your mouth you might catch a fly," Nadia quickly shut her mouth and glared at him.

"You said not to trust anyone, you were even trying not to get me involved," he placed his hands on the table and leaned forward."Or is Jace an exception?"

She ignored him and brought out the key from her pocket. "Stupid bully, always poking his nose in my business," she mumbled incoherently. She placed the key in the keyhole and turned, causing it to make a clicking sound. She glared at Lloyd one more time before opening the diary.

26th September 2020

That was a few weeks before Nadia arrived at the school.

What's up Diary!

Okay like this is the first time I'm doing something like this. I can't believe I'm gonna be writing my emotions in some dumb book. I'm Anna, I'm a fairy, just found out one week and two days ago, haha. Well, my roommate, Genna gave this book to me, she is a demon, by the way, she was intimating at first but now she's cool. She gave me a pendant to go with it and neutralized its powers coz she doesn't know me enough to trust me! Can you believe that? And I thought we were best friends? *Sigh* guess not. At first, I thought it was dumb when she gave you to me, I wasn't going to use you until I saw him.

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