Chapter | 17√

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Two weeks had passed and the day for the games came faster than anyone could blink. Nothing really interesting happened during those last two weeks.

Nadia still hasn't told her friends about her change of ability because the principal warned her not to. Ahryan didn't ask about the act of teleporting she did last time, Nadia thinks he forgot or because he's Ahryan, he doesn't just care.

As for Abhay, he was finally free from being Leia's slave. But lately, he hadn't been hanging out with the group, he would make up ridiculous excuses to leave then, later on, they notice him with Leia's group. His actions were pissing Makena and Ahryan off.

Since Ahryan's best friend no longer use t hangs out with him like before, Ahryan got himself acquainted with this new kid from Makena's class. A fairly short, lean boy with fair skin and dreadlocks but he hasn't been introduced to the group yet.

Mr. Maksmillian sent the extra security needed for the school in the school's private jet. The forest was searched but they found nothing. A powerful witch also came to strengthen the barrier which didn't even have a scratch on it.

Last week, the students went on a break to get themselves prepared for the games. But the week before that, there were classes but some teachers were busy helping with the prizes and materials for the games, so they couldn't teach. The combat teachers always made sure to be in class much to some students' dismay.

There haven't been any disappearances of students lately but the students are still prohibited from going into the woods today is an exception. Students still walk in groups and the principal is still worried but not like before.

Nadia came out of the bathroom in a towel while combing her curly hair as it is still wet because it was easier that way. She was still combing her hair when she noticed what her roommates were wearing.

“Why are you both dressed like that?”

Joanne and Freya were both wearing tight leather pants, shirts, jackets, fingerless gloves along with combat boots.

“The school got them for the games, they just arrived a few minutes ago. Yours are on your bed,” Joanne answered, feeling excited about today.

Nadia looked towards her bed and saw there was a box on it. She went over and opened the box, she then pulled out her jacket and held it up.

“Are we going on a spy mission or what?” she found it ridiculous how the school had to spend a lot of money just to get this outfit. Like; “What's the need for all this?”

Joanne answered, “It is easier to do flexible stuff in leather, and trust me, you don't want to be running through the woods in cover shoes or slippers.”

“And the jacket?” Nadia asked.

It was Freya who answered this time. With a hand placed on her hips and a smirk plastered on her face, she said, “Because it makes us- I mean me look...” she blew an air kiss. “muah.”

Nadia shook her head at her and then proceeded to wear the outfit. She didn't feel comfortable in them because they were too tight. Unlike Freya who packed her hair in a ponytail, Nadia did hers in a side fishtail braid because she doesn't want someone pulling her back by her it.

When the bell rang, all the students didn't waste time going to the indoor gymnasium. The principal and teachers and surprisingly, Mr. Maksmillian were already there. The teachers took turns calling out the names of those from sixteen to eighteen.

Students who weren't participating were asked to sit at the bleachers while the participants were arranged according to their age groups. The participants were many so they were divided into two groups. The first group will participate this morning while the second, later in the evening.

Nadia was in the first group and so were Freya, Ahryan, Joanne, Lloyd, Leia, and Seth. The second group moved on to the bleachers and the sports master proceeded to group them into fives. Throughout the process of grouping, Nadia internally prayed to be grouped with her friends.

She was later disappointed when she was grouped with Lloyd, a female fairy, a male Nephilim, and Ahryan's new friend.

The principal took the microphone and tested it, before speaking, “Welcome students to one of ForestLands Annual Games. I know a lot of you are excited while some are nervous,” The principal said, her voice resonating through the speakers.

“Do not fret, the games are just for fun and for testing your abilities. The rules are simple, you are allowed to use your powers but do not kill anyone. I repeat, do not kill anyone. Once you enter the woods, your group is your friends while others are your enemies, do not hesitate to attack.

There are three flags and all of you will have to first for it. If one person comes out with a flag, the group you're in has won. The first to get out with a flag gets the first position, then second, then third. The winners each get a prize and I believe that gives you the motivation to fight hard for it.

Once you hear the whistle, that means the game is over and we have the winners. We will all be watching you students from the screens.”

Nadia's eyes went wide. Screens? What screens? She frantically looked around and when she noticed the giant screens behind her showing different areas of the woods, she internally died.

What if I mess up? What if they laugh at me? I can't face that kind of embarrassment again.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she noticed the first group moving out of the gym with the sports teacher. They were all brought to face the woods and each group was made to stay meters apart.

Immediately after the teacher blew the starting whistle, each group took off into the woods. The games had begun

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