Chapter | 5√

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"This is ridiculous!" Nadia exclaimed.

"You're are not concentrating," Abhay simply stated.

It was the next day and Nadia along with the guys had arrived at the school field behind the building. They all sat on the field, their legs crossed Indian style. Nadia and Abhay sat in the middle of the circle that the others had formed.

A rock had been placed in her palm and she had been trying hard to make it do something for like twenty minutes.

"Can someone please make him stop?" Nadia did a hand gesture at Ahryan.

Abhay turned to Ahryan who was still laughing quietly. "Stop laughing, you are disturbing her concentration. The first time I met you, I remembered you couldn't control your speed. Always running into walls and objects."

Ahryan tried to stifle his laughter. "Sorry, sorry, I will stop," he said in between laughs.

Nadia carried on staring hard at the rock. She kept making sounds in her throat in concentration

Come on, come on

A booming laughter rang out.

Everyone turned to glare at Ahryan, who tried to defend himself, "You can't expect me not to laugh." he turned to Nadia, "What's that sound you're making in your throat, the girls' bathroom is not that far away."

Faryal raised her fist in an attempt to punch her cousin hard, only to see him halfway across the field.

"You're too slow!" he yelled.

He wasn't able to dodge the ball of black light speeding toward him and it hit him square in the face making him fall back. Makena and Faryal did a high five. Mia laughed and Nadia bit the inside of her cheeks to stop hers.

Ahryan returned but made sure to sit a few feet from the girls.

"Okay let's try something else," Abhay suggested. "Close your eyes."

Nadia did as instructed.

"Take a deep breath, in and out, and relax."

Nadia did as said.

"Ok good, just keep doing that. Alright, search for that fate, that deep fate that we had as children, we even believed we could spread our arms and fly if we tried."

Nadia concentrated hard, she found that fate and believed she could do it. This is real, I'm not dreaming, I'm an earth Elementalist. Come on, come on.

"Open your eyes," Abhay instructed.

Nadia opened her eyes and grinned at the rock levitating above her palm, changing continuously into different shapes.

“I did it!” Nadia exclaimed. She laughed with glee and so did her friends, except a scowling Ahryan.

A hand snatched the rock from the air, cutting her happy moment short. Nadia looked up to see Lloyd's sister; Leia and her friends.

Leia observed the rock tossing it up and down. "Not bad," she commented. She handed the rock to Clara who folded her fist over It, crushing it.

"You have potential, but with a mentor like Abhay, you will never rise in this school. You will just be like the dust beneath my feet," Leia said and the guys watched as Clara opened her hand, allowing the dust to pour.

Abhay stepped forward. "Why don't you go look for something better to do Leia, and leave us alone."

Leia stepped closer to him too so that they were face to face. "But why?" she asked chuckling, she then proceeded to shove him back making him stumble. "Your group is quite entertaining to me," she moved closer and shoved him back again.

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