Chapter | 39√

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It was late evening, the sun had already set when Faryal took Nadia on a tour around the organization. It was large enough to the extent of containing sixteen rooms. Faryal explained that fourteen of the rooms were used to accommodate the students and teachers. Nadia would be transferred to a new room when she gets better, as the one she currently resides in is for patients. The last two rooms were for training purposes.

When Faryal came for her earlier, Nadia had asked where the rest of their friends were. She was disappointed they hadn't come to visit her.

"Elijah and Alexei had gone hunting. Joanne and Makena had gone to scout the mountains in case of unusual activity."

Nadia and Faryal came out of the organization and into the open air, standing in a clearing and staring at rows of trees that seemed to stretch for miles. The trees had broad leaves and thick branches that a person could successfully hide in. Nadia suspected that's the reason for them choosing this location for their base.

"The trees provide coverage and protection from the outsiders," Faryal said. "Beyond the trees are mountains and cliffs. Those who aren't familiar with the terrain will get lost if they stray too far. I, myself that has been here for three months still can't get the hang of it. We always go with one of the persons from the organization when they give us work to do beyond the trees."

She smiled at Nadia. "In the evenings by this time, we are allowed to come out and receive some fresh air. We aren't allowed to stay more than an hour though for safety reasons. You can never be too careful even with the land itself as a natural protection."

Nadia watched the people I'm the clearing until her gaze landed on a certain white-haired boy that emerged from the trees and limped across the clearing - a thick cane used to support his weight - before finally settling on a patch of grassland under a tree.

Faryal noticed where her attention had settled on. "Ahryan did one on him, the doctor did all she could but his kneecap had been badly damaged. He would never be able to walk without support again," she sounded pained.

Nadia stared at her, really stared at her. Faryal's shoulders were hunched, and she had eye bags with slightly red eyes that suggested she had been crying recently. Nadia figured that Faryal was still thinking of her cousin. She understood it would be hard for Faryal to forget this when she heard the students around her as s living reminder. Even without the student, the battle scar on her arm running from her elbow to her wrist would do the job just fine.

"Will you ever forgive Ahryan for this," Nadia asked.

Faryal smiled sadly. "Is it bad that I already did? That I have forgiven him a long time ago? That I wish we would forget all this and move on?"

Yes. Yes, it is. Ahryan should be paid back in his coin. But she kept that thought to herself.

To her horror, Faryal burst into tears.

"Sometimes I feel like it's my fault. I feel like I wasn't there for him. I knew Ahryan had strayed when he stopped praying and renounced his faith. But I didn't know he had strayed so far to the point of taking people's lives." She sobbed fat ugly tears running down her face. People were starting to stare.

Nadia wasn't good with comforting people with words so she just pulled her into a high and let her soak her shirt with tears and mucus.

Just after dinner time, after meeting the others, they headed over to one of the training rooms. The students and teachers sat on the mats laid on the ground. Nadia was relieved to find out that Mrs. Crawford; her Earth Elementalist teacher had made it but the principal hadn't.

Jia stood before them with three other people and to her amazement, Abhay also stood with them. He stood with confidence; legs parted, hands clasped at his back, head held high and spine straight. A total contrast to the timid boy she knew back then, who slouched and had a tendency of trying to stay in the shadows. Well, until he joined Leia and Co and started acting like a total jackass. Although he turned on them in school, she was happy to see him here too.

"Why is Abhay standing over there?" Joanna inquired. "Since when did he become so special."

Joanne had changed too after the attack. She used to be full of energy, always bouncing on her toes but now and then she carried a frown on her face, eyes clouded with sadness at their loss. Nadia hadn't been in Forestlands for as long as them. Months couldn't compare to years. The loss of the school hadn't hit her as much as it had hit them. Though she wondered where she will go when this was all over. She had no home anymore.

Nadia said, "I was thinking that same thing. I thought would know since you have been here the longest."

Joanna shook her head. "I am seeing fit the first time during the attack. I thought he was also taken by The Resistance."

Jia interrupted their conversation. "As you all know or most of you know. My son who had acted as a spy at Forestlands Institution, trying to figure out who had been behind the disappearances of the students had traveled to meet up with the other bases to relay the current happenings to them and has returned. He will be staying with us to fight The Resistance."

She continued with a smile. "Few of you may know him. Some of you are friends with him." She glanced at Nadia's group and then Lloyd's. "Son please properly introduce yourself this time around."

Jia stepped aside to let Abhay take over.

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