Chapter | 16√

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"Well, we don't have teachers at Forestlands who understand that ability," the principal stated.

He hummed in agreement. "We don't have them at the other schools too."

The principal gestured to Nadia. "So what do we do about her."

Mr. Maksmillian thought for a moment before he said, "She would have to get back her powers and..."

Nadia interrupted him, "I don't know how to do that."

Mr. Maksimillian fixed her with an annoyed glare that made her take a step back. "First of all," he started, the annoyance clear in his tone. "Don't ever interrupt me."

"Sorry," she apologized.

He ignored her. “Second of all, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. You would have to get your Elementalist ability and do with that for now.

As for getting the powers back, it is the same as activating your Elementalist power. You just have to make skin contact with the person, making sure you tap into the ability in the process. You got it?”

Nadia nodded her head, even though she wasn't sure.

Mr. Maksimillian directed his attention back to the principal. “Do you have any books on ability shifters.”

Victoria thought for a while before she replied, “I'm not sure but I'll check.”

“And you,” he addressed Nadia. “Try to look into the library in your free time. In the meantime, don't tell anybody about this change of ability. With Miss Victoria claiming students are going missing, we can't trust anyone.”

Students are going missing, should I be worried? She thought.

Mr. Maksmillian glanced at his expensive wristwatch and sighed. “Well I better get going, It was nice meeting you, Nadia. And Victoria, I will get back to you soon.”

The other two said their goodbyes and he left.

Nadia watched as the principal got back to her desk. “Ma,” she called. “I just wanted to know where Mrs. Anya went to.”

“She went to the city but she will be back soon.”

“Oh, okay.”

She said goodbye before leaving.

“Did you guys know that students have been going missing?” Nadia asked as she walked on the field with her friends, heading for a place to seat. It was late in the evening and the sun was just setting behind the horizon.

Mia looked at her surprised. “You didn't know?”

“Are you even in this school?” Ahryan rhetorically asked as they sat under a tree, forming a circle.

“Students have been going missing for weeks now,” Faryal said. “Some think they ran away while others think they were kidnapped.”

“I think they ran away,” Ahryan said.

“They couldn't have run away,” Joanne objected. “I mean their belongings were left here.”

“Probably didn't want to have anything that came from the school?” Makena interjected.

“Their parents don't know where they are.”

“Because that is the first place they will search.”

Nadia looked at Mia. “What do you think?”

“I don't know. But to be on the safe side, don't go into the woods. I noticed you like to do that a lot.

“So you guys ain't scared,” She asked.

They all shook their heads.

“There's no need to be scared Nadia,” Faryal assured. “Just stay clear of the woods, we already have our ability to defend ourselves if the need arises, and make sure you are never alone.
That's the only thing we can do until the authorities get to the root of this matter.”

They continued talking about other things until Nadia felt like someone was staring at her. She searched through the field until her eyes met Jace's - who was sitting with his group of friends - and she quickly looked away.

Even after they have talked about it, she couldn't help but avoid him and it seemed like he knew what she was doing. She looked back at him and he was still staring.

“What are looking at?”

Mia's voice made her jump. Mia too looked at where she was staring and when her eyes collided with Jace's, it became a glaring battle. When Jace didn't relent, Mia gave up.

She scowled at Nadia. “Are you sure you don't have anything to do with him?”

“I do not,” Nadia answered then frowned afterwards. “And what if I do?”

“So what you're saying is that you do?” Ahryan asked.

“No,” Nadia quickly said. “I'm just saying what if I do, like what's is the problem if I do, is not like I do, is there a problem if I do?”

Ahryan snorted, amused. “Why so many I do's, save it for the wedding.”

Nadia let out a groan, frustrated. “There is no wedding.”

The atmosphere was sour now and both Nadia and Mia were annoyed.

“So,” Joanne drawled, breaking the silence. “Are you guys excited about the Games?”

“What games?” Nadia grumpily asked. Why is it that she isn't aware of anything?

“The games,” Joanne repeated, feeling excited. “It happens once in every five years and it's happening two weeks from now. I'm so excited!”

Nadia was now curious. “What is it about?”

“Well, students go in different groups into the forest to look for three flags, if you see someone with a flag and they haven't gone out of the woods first, you can fight for it. The first group to come out with a flag is first, then comes second, and then third.”

“Have any of you ever participated?”

“Abhay and Makena.”

“Is it a must for everyone to participate?” Nadia asked, already dreading the answer.

“Yes, for those at the age of 16-18.”

Nadia threw her hands in exasperation. “Just great.”

“You will like it,” Makena interjected. “It's fun.”

Faryal curiously asked Makena, “You won last year right?”

Makena shook her head. “No, but Abhay's group was one of the winners. I think they came second...or is it third. I can't remember.”

They went ahead with discussing other topics, not aware that a cloaked figure with glowing blue eyes was watching them from the woods.

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