Chapter | 8√

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It was Thursday evening. The sun was just about setting and the breeze was blowing softly, the trees swaying slowly to a silent song.

It would have been a peaceful, quiet evening, if not for the challenge that was about to take place. The students and even the teachers of ForestLands had made a wide circle in which the opponents will have a duel. They were chatting and whispering, excited about what was about to take place while Nadia was feeling nervous.

She and her friends stood few a meters away from the students. Mia placed both her hands on Nadia's shoulders.

"You can do this, there's no backing out of this now. Just try to put up a good fight even if you don't win."

Ahryan nodded. “At least you should be able to keep up for three to four minutes."

Mia glared at him. "You're not helping."

Ahryan had the guts to look offended. "What! The first time I'm being nice to her and you're complaining!"

Good evening, fellow students and teachers. Welcome to the 36th challenge in the history of ForestLands Institution. The opponents should proceed to the circle!" A senior student announced from amongst the students, a microphone in his hand.

Nadia's friends told her good luck and she walked towards the middle of the circle, coming face to face with Leia.

"You know the rules, of course, you will have to use your abilities. But you know, the thing is that there are no rules. Use whatever tactic you like, break bones, and tear flesh. Don't hold back, that's why we have a nurse. The only way out of this fight is to submit!"

They didn't tell me this part! She thought.

She turned to look at her friends, who immediately turned towards themselves, talking about nothing. They had realized they didn't tell her anything about challenges.

Well, there's no backing out now.

"Let the fight begin!"

Nadia got into a stance and the two girls started to circle each other. Leia faked an attack on her and she flinched, making Leia laugh. Before Nadia could process what was happening, Leia sent a kick toward her chest and she found herself skidding across the grass and to a stop.

When she stood back up with scratches on her arms, the background began to change. The students and the teachers disappeared, the whole place was covered in darkness and all she could see was Leia standing in front of her with a smirk on her face.

What's happening? She was beginning to panic but she forced herself to keep calm.

She stomped her right foot hard on the ground, making a rock come up, she quickly punched it hard with her fist and sent it toward Leia. The rock went through Leia and disappeared into the darkness. The Leia in front of her dissolved into smoke.

Leia appeared again, then another and another, until she was surrounded. She sent a rock at one of them but it went through her and she dissolved into smoke. Nadia summoned vines from the ground and trap two of the Leia but again they dissolved into smoke.

"Eh, what is she doing?" Makena asked confused.

They watched along with others as Nadia threw rocks in the air and threw to wrap vines at an invisible person. Due to her throwing rocks at unseen forces, water, and air Elementalists had combined water and air to make a strong, see-through, ice barrier over the fighters to prevent Nadia from hurting a random student. A student could have gotten bashed in the head by her first rock if he hadn't dodged on time.

"Illusions, her power is illusions," an unfamiliar voice answered from amongst them.

They turned to the voice to see Jace standing beside Faryal, smoke coming out from his eyes. Faryal's face twisted in disgust and she quickly moved away from him. Nephilims and demons are not known for being best of friends.

Nadia was getting frustrated. What is happening, where is everybody?

The scenery changed and she found herself standing at the edge of a cliff, an ocean below her. Joanne was standing before her, her face void of any emotion and her eyes cold.

"Joanne? What is happening?" she asked, feeling scared and confused. She made a move to go towards her but Joanne brought forth her palm, stopping her.

Joanne drew water from the air and sent it, full force, towards her. She lost her footing and she fell back, her eyes closed, screaming as neared her doom. A large green snake-like creature erupted from the water and swallowed her.

When Nadia stood up and opened her eyes, she was in a dark room, alone and scared.


She turned around to see her mother, smiling softly at her.

"Mummy?" she sobbed.

She took a step towards her mother but then, her mother's eyes turned cold and unforgiving. She started to bleed from her fore and glass shards appeared on her skin, piercing painfully.

When she opened her mouth, it was filled with blood. "Why did you kill me, Nadia?"

Nadia's head filled with the memory of her parent's death. She cried, she cried hard.

"I'm sorry!" she sobbed. "I didn't mean to!"

"How could you do this?" another voice said and she turned around to see her father.

She fell to her knees, repeating saying sorry, over and over like a mantra.

Different voices started to echo.

You are a killer

You're are weak

Do you think you can win again Leia, what a joke.



She grabbed her head, it was too much, it was just too much. She needed it to stop and she voiced that.


Please stop!

Just stop!

The scenery changed and they were back in the field. She shakily stood up and the next thing she saw, was a fist flying toward her face. She stumbled hard from the impact but it didn't stop there. More punches were coming.

"Submit!" Leia sneered.

A jab to her guts and she went down.

"Submit or I will make this more torturous for you!"

Nadia spat out blood and said weakly, "I submit"

A kick to her stomach and she gasped.

"Don't.." another kick "ever..." another one "Challenge..." another kick "me..." another. "again."

She kept it coming that teachers and students were yelling at her to stop. She didn't listen. There was a flash of bright light and Leia was sent flying across the field until she hit a tree.

"That's enough Leia!" Lloyd's voice boomed from beside Nadia.

He turned towards Nadia, a sympathetic look in his eyes. "Are you okay?"

She glared weakly through her bruised eye. She doesn't need his sympathy.

He held out a hand for her but she slapped his hand away. She struggled to get out but after much effort she finally did. She almost fell, if not that Lloyd quickly balanced her. When she was steady enough, she pushed him away.

She glanced around the field, some people were snickering quietly, some were pointing and whispering, and others were looking at her with pity.

She let out a choked sob and turned around, dragging herself to the woods behind her and ignoring the calls of her friends. Running away from the shame. The voices from before continued ringing in her head.

Mia went to go after her but Ahryan stopped her. He shook his head. "Give her some space."

She turned towards him and buried her face in his chest, sobbing loudly for her friend.

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